100's Night Ideas

<p>I have two rooms to do, with the preliminary plans being due this week (although the MFR’s aren’t due until the week after). I haven’t had much time to plan due to being sick, so…
what are some of the best room ideas you guys have seen in the past few years?</p>

<p>it depends on how much you like your upperclassmen who’s room you are decorating. i know we have different themes for different cadets. for example, one of them is 26 so he’s called the old man, we’re going to make his room into a nursing home. and at least for us, if we don’t like them, we’re not planning on too much decorating, and it will be very basic.</p>

<p>We have the D&B drum major and our squadron commander (and their roomates, obviously). I’m trying to get ideas from people who know them, but I was looking for more generalized ideas, like filling the room full of balloons, in case the themes fall through.</p>

<p>Explain 100’s night to me…</p>

<p>It’s the 100th night before graduation. The firsties have a dining in and find out what their AFSCs will be after graduation, and I beleive their first duty stations as well. Then they leave to celebrate for the whole weekend. Meanwhile, the freshmen are at rest and get to mess up their rooms, but not in a malicious manner. This year it’s on 13 February, right before a long weekend (apparently there’s a huge ski retreat for the whole wing that weekend, so it’s a perfect break for us during 40 days, which started today).</p>

<p>Wow, that’s exciting… for everyone.</p>

<p>Base assignments are given at the 100s night dinner. Firsties already know their AFSCs (except some odd cases).</p>

<p>I’ve seen rooms decorated as jungles, boxing rings, a fairy-tale castle, a room completely covered in aluminum foil (with strobes, a fog machine, and techno music), somebody stuck one of the golf carts in a room, someone else’s room wound up on top of the 10m platform at the gym…
There are LOTS of options.</p>

<p>None of us heard anything about a wing wide ski retreat…?</p>

<p>I thought there was that weekend, in some email sent out (I deletd it, because I don’t ski). There was something going on where a majority of the wing could go skiing… but I tend to make stuff up in my mind a lot, so there may or may not be a ski trip that weekend. <em>shrugs</em> I’m confused.</p>

<p>Some people went snowboarding this weekend, something (I think) called skifest. At Keystone, (again, I think). Maybe there is another one?
I wonder if I should send our cadet some stuff to help decorate the rooms. Is that allowed? I know the 4th degrees keep getting room checks and all, so where could the stuff be stored until 100 days decorating? We all have some experience in this decorating thing, cheerleaders have always been big on it! Silly, but it really is a team-building activity. Please let me know what is allowed.</p>

<p>It was SnoFest and it is an annual event put on by the military MWR units from C. Springs. (USAFA, Shriever, Peterson, Cheyenne Mt., Ft. Carson) It really was a blast, they MADE us preppies go to Keystone on Friday and a lot of us went back up yesterday and today. The event obviously entails using the mountain for skiing/snowboarding but it also includes a lot of other events such as wine tasting (if of age), races, tubing, and shopping.</p>

<p>ski club was hosting a trip open to the cadet wing instead of just to ski club, but its not a “wing ski trip” really. they can recieve stuff as long as they store it in the room. they have weekends to go get stuff, they just can’t buy contraband without apporval or have someone hold it for them until that weekend.</p>

<p>of course i’ll be gone that whole weekend since i’m rooming with a firstie…</p>

<p>that trip i believe is the president’s weekend, or 100s night weekend, if that wasn’t apparent in my last post</p>

<p>Yea, over Presidents Day Weekend the Ski Club is going up to Aspen. I am going to sit that one out due to 100s night and the price.</p>

<p>Better not leave hundred’s night considering what happened last year!</p>

<p>? what was that? i was gone the whole weekend and don’t remember a juicy story about it.</p>

<p>ah, too bad. i bet it was hysterical.</p>

<p>oh, you wouldn’t know either. u were probably <strong>asleep</strong></p>

<p>Well Hornet, maybe if we weren’t restricted this weekend I could go out and get some supplies for 100s night and make it memorable for the upperclassman. O well, I guess I can go OTF this weekend to get em stuff. ;)</p>