1098-T (box 2) question

<p>question on box 2, "amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses". I notice that the number that is in there, populated by the college (the FILER), is different (is less than) than the amount that was billed to me for the 2010-11 period.</p>

<p>My bill includes billing for time in 2011. Does the amount in box 2 include any time in 2011?</p>

<p>I think it depends on the school, some include Spring 2011 tuition charges in the 2010 1098T because it was billed/paid in 2010; while others will show it in the 2011 1098T because the semester you paid for occurred in 2011.</p>

<p>How about box 5, scholarships/grants, does that show a number that includes the Spring 2011 semester or not?</p>

<p>box is the sum of grants for all terms, 2010 thru 2011. So obviously, box 2 should also include 2011.</p>