12 colleges.. please help me narrow down to 6-7

need help getting out of ithaca?
it's called a transfer, dumbas*


<p>My thread was about booking an airplane out of Ithaca. Read. Again, this is getting way too childish and I am done talking to you.</p>

<p>prove yourself right then
you can't
you haven't disproved anything i've said here
cornell is not as competitive as princeton, penn, or duke
you want to get out of ithaca and yet you attack me for saying cornell is not such a happy place
you're wrong, again</p>

<p>patless88: I hope you don't mind me asking. Where the hell did you get that 23% acceptance rate for Duke? It was 20% last year...</p>

<p>Don't be fooled by the 'high' acceptance rate. Duke is just as competitive as the lower Ivies.
Last year, in my class, only two were accepted to Duke. Here is where four who didn't get in are at now.</p>

<p>Princeton, Columbia, U-Penn, NYU (full tuition scholarship).</p>

<p>It's random once you get to the top. I didn't get into the first three and didn't apply to NYU.
If you want to be fair, the one who got into Princeton was wl'ed at Duke.. so one may possibly argue 'Tufts Syndrome', but the other three were rejected.</p>

<p>Back to the OP, W&M has a lower accpetance rate and higher test scores than UVirgina so dont think its going to be a shoein there. Also, they have the highest med school acceptance rate in the state, so it should be one of your higher options. Esp. if you like a smaller more personal college experience.</p>

<p>Again, the the OP: you have a great opportunity with your access to Virginia schools. I think it makes sense to keep all four of those on your list. As your final stats become clearer, you may want to look at a few others, such as JMU, or maybe University of Mary Washington. In terms of the higher reaches, like Princeton, Duke, etc...if you really want to go to a school in this category, and your stats put you within striking range, it doesn't make sense to take any of them off the list, because of the challenging odds of getting into any of them. I.e., you might apply to Princeton, Penn, Duke, and Cornell, and get into only one of them. But which one? It will not necessarily be the one that looks to be most selective.</p>

<p>Cornell is the easiest IVY to get into, and not because it's a lesser academic schooll. The reason is because it is HUGH in terms of total admits v. the others. So 21% may be low but consider the TOTAL number of people it admits. Apply to Cornell.</p>

<p>Cornell is composed of several, fairly independent, colleges. The admissions criteria for each of them is somewhat different. I don't know what the specific stats are for the Arts and Sciences versus the Hotel School versus Ag and Life Sciences versus Human Ecology versus Engineering versus Industrial and Labor Relations (I hope I got 'em all) but they are, indeed, different.</p>

<p>The OP's interest in psychology and cognitive science might be served equally well by Cornell Human Ecology, Ag and Life Sciences, and Arts and Sciences, depending on the specific choice of undergraduate major. So Cornell alone is going to take time to sort out.</p>

<p>I suggest that the OP look specifically for programs in cognitive science to begin with and then work out a list of universities from there.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

patless88: I hope you don't mind me asking. Where the hell did you get that 23% acceptance rate for Duke? It was 20% last year...</p>

<p>Don't be fooled by the 'high' acceptance rate. Duke is just as competitive as the lower Ivies.
Last year, in my class, only two were accepted to Duke. Here is where four who didn't get in are at now.


<p>I got my stats from college board, like i said b4 in this thread. In case you somehow have a trouble finding the site, let me post up the link.</p>

<p>College</a> Search - Duke University - Duke - At a Glance</p>

<p>I hope you don't mind asking, why the hell don't you look this up yourself, when the info is so easily available? besides, as i said b4, difference btwn 23 and 20% is negligible. look, i know that duke is as selective as any other lower tier ivy, but that wasn't my point. my point was to couterargue a ridiculous statement that the applicant pool at Cornell is 'significantly' weaker than duke or other top schools, as suggested by this particular poster.</p>

<p>The 8% RD number quoted was wrong, it didn't account for yield. The letter most likely said "we had X applicants for a class size of X." Mistake happens all the time.</p>

<p>Let me correct one common misconception: even if Cornell is the easiest Ivy to get into, that doesn't mean that it will be the easiest for YOU (or any individual applicant) to get into. If you have some skill, interest, or characteristic another Ivy wants, they may take you, even if Cornell doesn't.</p>

<p>Hopkins does not sound like fun to go to as undergrad.....i would take of JHU and Rutgers</p>