<p>Yeah, another schedule help thread, if you're sick of these, leave now, I warned you! LOL.</p>
<p>So I'm taking...
Math 16A
Chem 1A
SE Asian R5a
PreMed 101</p>
<p>... for a total of 17 hours of lectures + discussions + lab a week.</p>
<p>I went to a super urban high school in the ghetto (cough Oakland cough), got a 2 on Calculus AB, 3 on Eng Lit, and took only Honors Chem in 11th grade. </p>
<p>I'm worried about having a hard workload already, but on the other hand, I'm afraid taking so little units will set me behind :X. Uh... Will... it...?</p>
<p>Curse public schooling in the ghetto! XD.</p>
<p>well the counselors do suggest 13 units. and doesn’t the 3 in ap lit give you ap credits? so you shouldn’t be short units if you do 13 units the first semester. I’m doing chem1a, math 16a, german r5a(if i get in) for 11units. plus chess decal 2 units and chinese 1ay 5 units (only because I speak cantonese and really want to learn mandarin). for a total of 18 units. If it’s too much, I’ll drop the decal for 16 units. I’m still asking around to see if this is too much.</p>
<p>I’m not so sure about the AP credits, I thought you only get those if you get a 4/5 XD.</p>
<p>I’ve heard that German R5A is easy to get an A in, so if you’re a SUPERSUPERSUPER student, then I think your schedule will be manageable =).</p>
<p>on the l&s page it says you get ap credits for a score of 3 or above. so you have 5.3 units for ap lit. I wouldn’t say I’m a super student. I have to try pretty hard. my ap scores were art history-3, psych-3, chem-3, spanish-1, calcab-5. I’m looking at 25 hrs/week</p>
<p>I’m in the same situation as you. Right now I am enrolled in 3 classes that total 12 units. I’m gonna add a seminar or decal (I’m already on the wait-list for 1). But I’m not sure if I should just go ahead with another breadth course to move me up to 16 units and maybe even a seminar to make it 17.</p>
<p>And what is PreMed 101 lol?</p>
<p>masterhammy: i believe that’s that decal course (:</p>
<p>Can you add decals already?</p>
<p>I think only if they have their CCN’s posted on the decal website.
Many decals require you to attend the first few decals in order to obtain the CCN.</p>
<p>assuming, those are your only two APs, you really should consider taking some extra units, whether they are decals doesn’t matter. You are going to be rather short on units compared to your peers and in the long run it will hurt you as your peers will continually get better TeleBEARS appointments (as they have a lot more AP/IB units). </p>
<p>Bad TeleBEARS appointments will make getting into your chemistry lab courses in the coming semesters (3AL and 3BL) very hard. </p>
<p>Either add an extra class or take multiple decals. Given your situation, it would behoove you to take more units, regardless whether they are actual classes or decal.</p>
<p>Then I guess I’m gonna take extra units too. Maybe 16 or 17 because I have barely any AP/IB credit because I messed up on my tests
<p>What breadth requirement does Anthro 2AC fulfill?</p>
<p>masterhammy: it fulfills social and behavioral science, i believe.</p>
<p>I would say you’re fine. Trying to get into anything is going to be pretty damn frustrating these next couple of years anyways due to money issues.</p>
<p>Masterhammy : or it can fulfill historical breadth.</p>