<p>i only have to pay for 8 applications but im nervous about sending test scores
im not sure how much more i can narrow my list
is 15 too much</p>
<p>Most people could not produce 15 quality applications. Are you doing this in search of merit aid or for another reason? If you share your list we could give better opinions.</p>
<p>Are you far into your applications? I was planning to apply to 9, but then I reduced the number to 6 because of supplements. If you get tired of supplements, you will find yourself rooting out the ones that you never really cared about. </p>
<p>But if you are capable of finishing all the supplements and you genuinely like the colleges, no one can stop you. There are always people each year who always have to apply to more than 10, but it doesn’t really do them much harm except that they have a lot more work to do.</p>
<p>^ well are any of them UC’s? Cos then thats only one app. Like i am appliyng to 3 UC’s but i only had to produce 2 essays. so in reality the number of apps i have is like less than 10. But the number of colleges is over that.</p>
<p>im applying to 10
that is nothing compared to some people i know who are applying to like 17-20 schools…now that is ridiculous. it is like shooting a shotgun at a target hoping you hit the bullseye</p>
<p>9 is fine as long as you can do a good job on the applications</p>
<p>I’ve seen worse threads where people could not reduce their college list from a number well over 15. Applying to 15 colleges is not exactly something that your guidance counselor would recommend, but it can’t hurt you if you are capable of finishing all the supplements. Just be sure to finish them well.</p>
<p>It’s only too much if you can’t handle the workload.</p>
<p>Agreed. Only you know yourself and your work ethic the best, so you are the best judge of how much you can handle.</p>
<p>Speaking from experience of applying to 12 schools (with great results, by the way), 15 schools is certainly doable. You just need to manage your time well and work in a smarter, not harder way. Recycle essays if possible and follow the same sort of model for each of the “Why X School?” essays - that’s what I did. After the first 2-3 essay supplements, you get the hang of it and it starts to become a lot easier to finish supplements for other schools, because typically they ask the same thing (other than their unique essay prompts, if applicable).</p>
<p>However, unless you applied ED and got accepted to your ED school, expect to stay at home your entire winter break churning out essays and supplements to your schools. I could have applied to at least 3-4 more schools, but I just didn’t think it was necessary (schools that I definitely could’ve gotten into, but wouldn’t give a second glance or a second’s consideration of serious matriculation).</p>
<p>well yeah ive got most of my supplements done
thats basically why i cant weed out- ive done the supplement and i dont want the effort to go for nothing
i took advantage of schools giving me the ‘advantage application’ stuff where you basically just give your name and your in
simple safeties</p>
<p>i applied to 15 schools, but 5 of them were UCs and 9 of them were on common app so it wasnt very hard.</p>
<p>my friend is applying to 22. i am applying to 7. 4 privates, 3 UCs</p>