Our 15 year old son has language processing disorder. With 12 hours of tutoring a week in a mainstream program, he has a B average to complete his freshman year. He is interested in science, particularly marine biology. We suspect that he will always be interested in science, but perhaps not always marine biology! We are looking for a 4 year college with a good LD program, strong in science and business, preferably with a cooperative education approach. Thanks so much.
Northeastern has a good LD support program and co-ops for business and science. We toured it, but DD with LDs felt she wasn’t ready for handling getting co-ops and working independently yet. There have been some LD kids on this board over the years who have done it and thrived. She has a verbal LD that makes it difficult to speak, so unfamiliar situations are tough for her. She ended up at University of Arizona SALT. She received merit scholarships from many CTCL schools–they are good to explore. They have a website that shows the schools and locations. UC Santa Cruz if u are in state CA is good for sciences and LD supportive.