College Sophomore here I Recently go accepted into the Bio-Med Program at my university (UTRGV) and I was wondering if 17 hours is ok the following courses are as follows. I have included the dates the class range from cause some classes are broken into 4 weeks as part of the program and the times just in case it helps! *I don’t want to fall behind with my premed prereqs
Calculus I 10:50am-12:05pm
Physics Lab 1:40pm-4:20pm
Learning FrameWorks 140-255pm *This class is just a seminar class to see how we are doing we wont have homework for this class besides meetings (Freebie)
Physics Lecture [305-420pm](Jan19-May12]
Evolution of Medicine900am-1040am
Calculus I 1050-1205pm
Medical Physiology900-950am
BioMedical Lab[1000-1200pm](Jan19-May12]
Learn. Frameworks140-255pm
Physics Lecture305-420pm
Medical Microbiology900-1040am
Calculus I10:50-11:40am
Looks challenging but doable. You will have to make sure that you do your best to stay healthy and keep up. If you are really excited about your program that should help you to stay motivated. Best of luck and congratulations on getting accepted into the program that you wanted.
Yes I couldn’t be more excited! thanks!
Personally? I wouldn’t recommend Calc and Physics. My first semester of college, I combined Calc III with Physics. Although I was just in intro calc-based physics, I ended up dropping out within a month. Both of the classes are complete time sinks. You’re in other hard classes too so you may have trouble balancing them all out.
Which Physics? Reconsider taking it if its calc-based. IDK what it’s like at your school but Calc I is usually a prerequisite. If you’re just now taking it, then you may struggle a bit in Physics. I’d therefore recommend you take it next semester or something.
Anyway, up to you. Good luck this semester!
@toocoolforyou OP may have to take Calculus 1 and physics as part of a major requirement, or possibly a general requirement. (S)he is already a sophomore so I don’t see taking both of them unreasonable.
Overall, schedule looks challenging, but doable, as long as you budget your time well.
I’ve taken both since it was a requirement for my major (geology). Honestly? It was awful but I was able to do it. I got a B in Cal 2 and a C- in Physics. At my school a D- is passing to move on to Physics 2. You may not struggle at all but I easily spent at least 20-30 hours outside the classroom studying and practicing problems.