2 high school diplomas

It is possible to recieve 2 diplomas… they were issued from Union free school district New York and Chatham New Jersey The transcripts from New York state public school fulfilled the new jersey requirements the student graduated with honors at 19 1/2 years both diplomas were issued at the same time

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Every successful IB diploma candidate in the US gets two diplomas as well. One from their high school and an IBD from the IB. The latter is often more important for kids who want to go to university outside the US.


Could you please clarify why you got two HS diplomas? Did you do a post grad year, or move and continue HS or what?

Are you trying to determine the validity of the diplomas? If so, you can call the schools to verify graduation.

In short, yes it is possible to get two (2) different high school diplomas.

My brother moved back to NYC after not wanting to graduate from HS in SC where we lived and took his then high school transcript and was able to finish school there.

When he returned to SC about 2 months later, he had a HS from NYS and from SC but he uses the HSD that he earned from NYS and has never had any issues getting into university or even going to graduate school.