<p>Do i need only two or three years of a foreign language??? I have taken 2 years of spanish so far heading to junior year. Should I take it junior year as well, as of now I have it scheduled and will take it in case, but is it neccessary??</p>
<p>The website says you need 3 years of the same language with a C or better. (link: [Arts</a> and Sciences Courses | College of Business Administration | Pitt Business](<a href=“http://www.cba.pitt.edu/academics/arts-and-sciences.php#foreignlanguage]Arts”>http://www.cba.pitt.edu/academics/arts-and-sciences.php#foreignlanguage))</p>
<p>I realize the link is for CBA, but the A&S core requirements are all the same.</p>
<p>With 3 years of the same foreign language, you will be exempt from the A&S language requirement. If you don’t want to have to study language at Pitt, then definitely take 3 years.</p>
<p>I don’t think you have to have 3 years in order to be accepted to Pitt, but it is still a good idea.</p>
<p>I would recommend taking the third year so you don’t have to bother taking a language at Pitt.</p>