<p>Just fyi, you need about 75% to get a 5.</p>
<p>No, I finshed A but had like 2 minutes left and wrote 2 lines of code for b.</p>
<p>Yeah, your probably at a low to mid 4 then.
<p>so u mean 75% out of the 76 total points???</p>
<p>When are the scoring guidelines being posted?</p>
<p>Out of 80 points I think. But yes.</p>
<p>But junhugie, dont forget about my other frq and mc, i think i did well on those!</p>
<p>If you skipped 5, and missed 5-6, your already below the normal curve for a 5. Im not sure how they’re going to weight the frq’s though, so i could be wrong</p>
<p>yeah! Please pm me</p>
<p>lol just calm down. I was flipping out yesterday about this, but I gave it some time and now I realize it realy isn’t that big of a deal</p>
<p>what do u mean?</p>
<p>How rare is a perfect frq section? I’m starting to get hubris and feel like I might have…</p>
<p>On the last question I misinterpreted the question (didn’t read closely) and I made an array of all locations within 2 spaces not just the occupied locations. So how many points could I expect too loose for that? Do you think I will get atleast half right since I did everything right except I returned all locations not just occupied locations within 2?</p>
<p>I was worried about not getting a 5</p>
<p>For this one, it’s probably not rare. It was super easy.</p>
<p>Not rare. I almost would have gotten it if I hadn’t been so ■■■■■■■■ in my code for gridworld. I tried to do an elegant method that ended up being a total mess. It ended up working but in coding it i forgot to check for the potential ArrayIndexOufOfBounds issue.</p>
<p>meadow can u pm me the solutions?</p>
<p>judging from the points given to FRQs in the past… we prob all get at least 1 point just for returning an arraylist XD</p>
<p>Which ones?</p>
<p>all of them plz</p>