2014 Clean Official Boarding Decisions and Applicant Stats/Extracurriculars

<p><em>Sorry, I wasn’t able to get the color in</em>
Accepted: Christchurch, Choate, and Pomfret
Rejected: Taft
Wait listed: Berkshire, Mercersburg, and SAS
Most Likely Attending: Choate or Pomfret</p>

SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 2151 (76 percentile)
GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Above 3.5
Rank: N/A
Other stats: 3 A-'s and 2 B+'s last trimester: three honors courses (Bio, English, World Civ) standard (Geometry, French 1)</p>

Interviews: All went well (interviews are my strong point). Mercersburg was good but not great - it was my first one. The Choate interview went really well. Pomfret went pretty well, and so did Taft, Berkshire, Christchurch, and SAS.</p>

<p>Essays: Berkshire and Taft were my weakest. Put a ton of effort into Choate and SAS.</p>

<p>Math Rec: Math is my weakest subject but I still work hard and ended up with a B+ last trimester. My teacher likes me and was excited for me with this application process. He was from New England so he was familiar with most of the places I applied. So, I think my math rec was probably pretty good.</p>

<p>English Rec: Probably my strongest rec. My English teacher and I get along really well, I love his class and English is my best subject, so I assume they were pretty good. Ironically he came from a boarding school to come teach at my private day school this year. :D</p>

<p>Personal/Extracurricular Rec: My bio teacher did them all. I do pretty well in her class, and she seems to like me. They were probably good. </p>

<p>Principal/Counselor Rec: Only needed this for a few, but my upper school head really likes me. That rec was probably pretty good, too. </p>

<p>Sports (if any): Softball, baseball, ice hockey, volleyball in the past year. I would do volleyball, ice hockey, and softball at the school I would attend, granted they would have all three.</p>

<p>Instruments (if any): Percussion in the school band the past two years. I also sing in a rock band.</p>

<p>Other ECs (if any): Active member in the youth group at church, Spirit Store and Student Activities clubs at school, managed boys lacrosse team last year (and likely this year,) job at an ice rink, organize my own fundraiser every summer to benefit Melanoma Research Foundation in honor of my grandmother every summer, ranked number 1 youth fisher in my state.</p>

<p>Hook: My interviews were my strong point. Organized my own fundraiser, fishing champion (that’s different - maybe not a “hook”) and I have my own job working at an ice rink. That seemed to get the most attention. Most 14 year olds don’t go out and find a job.</p>


<p>State or Country: Under represented mid-atlantic state, US
Current School Type: Private college preparatory
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Female
Grade Applying For: 10th
Age: 14
Financial Aid/Full Pay: Needed about 80% FA</p>

<p>Strengths: I’m a confident person and a go getter. My grades are pretty solid for a college prep school taking honors courses, well rounded (music and athletics), and, as mentioned before, my interviews were my major strongpoint. Way under represented mid-atlantic state among NE boarding schools.</p>

<p>Weaknesses: SSAT score was lower than I would have liked, needed a lot of FA.</p>

<p>Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Accepted: They were some of my best essays and interviews. Rejected/Waitlisted: Needing so much FA probably played a big role.</p>

<p>General comments: I’m excited to see where this road takes me… ;:wink: </p>

<p>** Accepted: Taft, Loomis Chaffee, Choate Rosemary Hall, Hotchkiss **
** Rejected: None **
**Wait listed: Phillips Academy Andover **
**Likely Attending: Choate is my first choice, but I’m revisiting at Loomis and Taft too. **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT >95th Percentile
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: All A+s
[<em>] Rank: Top 10% of Class
[</em>] Other stats: Also in outside of school academic enrichment programs
[li] Interviews: [/li]Loomis: Amazing! I really connected with my interviewer, and we had a great talk.
Taft: Amazing as well! My interviewer and I had a great chat, and I think I gave a great sense of who I was.
Choate: Great. I really enjoyed my interview, tour, and overall experience on campus. I felt at home.
Hotchkiss: Ehh. My interviewer seemed to like me more than I liked the school. The interview was kinda dry, but she seemed impressed.
Andover: Well, this was just a hot mess. We got times messed up. My mom felt disrespected by staff. My mom was against me going there, and you could kinda tell. I missed my tour, and my interview was cut short. I left feeling disheartened as it had previously been quite high on my list. But, hey, you win some, you lose some.</p>

<p>[<em>] Essays: I worked on them from September right up until the deadlines, so I imagine that they were pretty good. Writing is one of my strengths.
[</em>] Math Rec: She had only been my teacher for a short while when she wrote it, so it probably wasn’t that detailed. However, I’m one of her top students, so it couldn’t have been worse than average.
[<em>] English Rec: I have had her for multiple years, and she often tells me how much she loves me. She told me some of the stuff she wrote, and it sounded great!
[</em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: I had two of my longtime mentors write them for different schools. One gave me a copy of his, and it was truly amazing. It made me sound like some super-genius.
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: I’ve known them for a few years, and one was previously my teacher. Should’ve been pretty good to great.
[</em>] Sports (if any): Dance and Swimming. Also budding interest in new sports.
[<em>] Instruments (if any): Piano for many years.
[</em>] Other ECs (if any): They would make me easily identifiable, but I’d tell people and future applicants through PM if they’d like.
[<em>] Hook: URM. Certain ECs that I know some schools were really looking for.
[</em>] State or Country: Over-represented New England State
[<em>] Current School Type: Public/Charter. It’s complicated.
[</em>] Ethnicity: African-American
[<em>] Gender: Gaaa-heeerl. But yeah. Female.
[</em>] Grade Applying For: 9th.
[<em>] Age: 13/14 (I don’t like being too specific)
[</em>]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Definitely financail aid.
[/ul]Strengths: Being a URM, my interview personality, and my writing skills.
Weaknesses: My Andover interview. :frowning:
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I think I was a pretty strong applicant, but the URM thing definitely helped. I definitely connected with most of my interviewers, so it probably helped to have someone rooting for you in the admissions office. Andover waitlist was probably because of the mortifying interview experience and my continual display of almost no interest in their school. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t get in, so I gave minimal effort.
General Comments: I know I was kinda vague on here, but if any future applicants want to PM me or ask questions, I’ll be happy to talk, even if it doesn’t look like I’m still active on the board. I’m absolutely thrilled for my results and cannot wait for highschool. For all those who were waitlisted or rejected, keep your heads up. This just means that there is a different path in store for you. The application process has been truly amazing, and no matter how hurt you feel now, just know that you have grown as a person in ways you could have never imagined. :smiley: </p>

<p>** This is for ISpy D1**</p>

<p>** Accepted: Andover and Exeter**
** Rejected: none**
Wait listed: none
Likely Attending: ???</p>

[<em>] SAT – CR 98%ile M 96%ile W 96%ile
[</em>] GPA – 3.97 Unweighted/5.01 Weighted
[<em>] Rank: n/a
[</em>] Other stats: 2 AP + 5 University classes
[<em>] Interviews: Exeter - excellent; Andover - good
[</em>] Essays: Good, but factual, no vignettes
[<em>] Math Rec: Strong, but online AP class
[</em>] English Rec: Strong, but online AP class
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: (1) Strong, top-tier university professor from summer research program (2) Strong, Spanish teacher of 10 years (3) Strong, Science Olympiad coach of 3 years (Note: homeschoolers are encouraged to submit several external teacher evaluations)
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Strong, independent guidance counselor knows me well
[<em>] Sports (if any): Competitive rock climber
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Guitar
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Science Olympiad - 35 medals; highly-rated debater; 600+ service hours; fluent in Spanish; top-tier university summer research program
[</em>] Hook: None
[<em>] State or Country: Southeast USA
[</em>] Current School Type: Homeschool with university dual-enrollment
[<em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 11
[</em>] Age: 16
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay[/li][/ul]**Strengths: **Independent learner; brings new science EC to campus for international competition
**Weaknesses: **Homeschool background not well understood; sport not found at BCs; limited music ability
**Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? ** Different; self-motivated; passionate
**General Comments: **If you are considering boarding school, apply for 9th or 10th grade because there are more slots available.</p>

<p>Accepted: Exeter
Rejected: None
Wait listed: None
Likely Attending: Exeter!</p>

[<em>]SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 2322 (98%)
[</em>]GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
[<em>]Rank: unknown, but at least top 7/435
[</em>]Other stats:
[<em>]Interviews: Really good I think. I felt like I really got to know her. It lasted for over an hour
[</em>]Essays: I feel like they were awesome, but idk really. My one I know is really unique
[<em>]Math Rec: Really good
[</em>]English Rec: Pretty good but not as good as math
[<em>]Personal/Extracurricular Rec: really good
[</em>]Principal/Counselor Rec: I didn’t know her well but pretty good otherwise
[<em>]Sports (if any): Swimming, Track, Soccer
[</em>]Instruments (if any): Alto Sax (concert band and jazz)
[<em>]Other ECs (if any): DECA (going to state), Activist Club, community service
[</em>]Hook: none really. under represented state
[<em>]State or Country: in the Midwest
[</em>]Current School Type: Public
[<em>]Ethnicity: White
[</em>]Gender: Female
[<em>]Grade Applying For: 10th
[</em>]Age: 15
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: needed full aid[/li][/ul]Strengths: I’m very self motivated. When I got accepted my parents didn’t even know what the name of my school was
Weaknesses: There’s nothing very special about me, I guess. I’m just normal. I didn’t even know boarding schools like this actually existed up until last year. I never thought I could actually go to one.
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I had a good relationship with my admission counselor and we have stayed in touch which I think really helped
General Comments: OMG I’m still in disbelief. I can’t wait until I get to visit in a few weeks! I have never been on a plane before!</p>

<p>** Accepted: Andover**
** Rejected: None**
Wait listed: Groton
Likely Attending: Andover</p>

[<em>] SSAT: 2334, 99%
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Not sure what this means.
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] Other stats: In my report card, all my classes in the A range (highest grade at my school is an A) except a B in Biology Honors.
[<em>] Interviews: I thought my Groton interview was the best. It went on for more than an hour and my parents and I both had a lot to talk about with the interviewer. My Andover interview also went really well. It lasted a long time and my interviewer was very enthusiastic during my interview, although I thought I connected more with my Groton interviewer.
[</em>] Essays: A strong essay, and I got many people to proofread it (for both schools).
[<em>] Math Rec: Probably great because my math teacher really likes me.
[</em>] English Rec: Probably good as well.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: From my long-time art teacher, definitely great.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Didn’t get to know my counselor very well, but we had a talk and I think she got to know me better through it.
[<em>] Sports (if any): Badminton (2 years)
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Cello (6 years), Piano (8 years)
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Choir, art, writing, Zonta Club (service club), photography
[</em>] Hook: Recommendation from the Board of Trustees (only for one school), secondary legacy (also only for one school), love and passion for art
[<em>] State or Country: Asian country (sorry, not comfortable saying my location)
[</em>] Current School Type: International private school
[<em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: Grade 9 (repeating)
[</em>] Age: 14
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay[/li][/ul]Strengths: Art, writing, academics (except Biology), SSAT scores.
Weaknesses: Personally, I think that I could’ve had more extracurriculars.
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Not really sure. I’m still getting over the shock that they even accepted me at all.
General Comments: Whether or not you get accepted to a school you applied to, just remember that the whole process of applying for boarding schools was a learning experience. I definitely took a lot from this long, strenuous journey. Even while studying for the SSAT’s, I learned new methods to study and gather new information. These methods help me today in school, and has been instrumental in raising my grades to meet my personal goals. Just keep in mind that you were able to complete the hard task of finishing your application and sending it in, and I know for sure that I have come out of this experience a changed person. </p>

<p>** Accepted: Lawrenceville, Loomis Chaffee, Kent**
** Rejected: Hotchkiss, Andover**
Wait listed: None
Likely Attending: Lawrenceville (90 Percent)</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT: 98 / Toefl: 115 / ISEE: 99/99/99/98
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.88 / 4.3
[<em>] Rank: 1
[</em>] Other stats: Bunch of debate trophies
[li] Interviews: [/li]Hotchkiss was absolutely amazing, I don’t know how I didn’t get in based off of interview alone.
Lawrenceville was weird because I had a phone one because their skype or my skype was malfunctioning, so I didn’t feel like I connected very well, which scared me because interview is my strong point.
Loomis - The interviewer loved me, we conversed really well.
Kent - Skype, a little awkward, as skype usually is, but it went alright.
Andover - Alumni, by far my worst interview.</p>

<p>[li] Essays: My Lawrenceville one was the best by a mile. I didn’t put as much time into anything else as much as Lawrenceville’s, except the Loomis one.</p>[/li]
<p>[<em>] Math Rec: Good, my math teacher likes me.
[</em>] English Rec: My English teacher adores me, this probably played a big role in my acceptance.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: My debate coach did this for me. He really enjoyed working with me, and he told me that it was a beautiful recommendation.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Before being written, I had a thirty minute conversation with my principal where he just got to know me. So I’m assuming good, if not great.</p>

<p>[<em>] Sports (if any): Swim, I’m not that great.
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Violin, again, not that great.
[li] Other ECs (if any): Debate, biggest EC activity by far, won some trophies here and there, club captain, 5 years. Model UN: 2 years Mock Trial: 1 year, first freshman on school team</p>[/li]
<p>[<em>] Hook: None/speak 4 languages?
[</em>] State or Country: California
[<em>] Current School Type: Public
[</em>] Ethnicity: Korean
[<em>] Gender: Male
[</em>] Grade Applying For: 10
[<em>] Age: 14
[</em>]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP
[/ul]Strengths: My non-sport activities are very strong, and I emphasized my debate passion a lot. Academics were pretty good too.
Weaknesses: ORM, Sports
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?:
Accepted- L’ville I really don’t know. I think it was my essay.
Kent - The interviewer seemed to like me
Loomis - Everyone I met there seemed to really like me, and I expressed my awe of the place. I emphasized debate a lot there too.
Andover - I never felt like I fit there, maybe my lack of enthusiasm? Or my essays kind of sucked.
Hotchkiss - I really have no idea. This is the place I thought I would most likely get accepted.
General Comments: Good luck to next year’s applicants, don’t give up! It’s a hard process, but well worth it in the end.</p>

<p>(For DS)</p>

<p>** Accepted: Exeter**
** Rejected: None**
Wait listed: None
Likely Attending: Exeter</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT 97% overall, M93/V96/R94
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: No GPA, but all As, (no Bs for 6th-8th)
[<em>] Rank: School does not rank
[</em>] Other stats: Perfect scores on state assessments. He is a good tester.
[<em>] Interviews: This may be what tipped the scale for him. They just really hit it off and talked for over an hour. DS is very comfortable speaking with adults, and I think this helps him in a lot of situations.
[</em>] Essays: They required two. I thought one (about overcoming a challenge) was meh – well-written, but nothing to set him apart from others (imo). The other was a roll of the dice. Really creative, but non-traditional (almost a prose poem) and not anything we would have submitted, but a friend of ours who works in college admissions suggested it after looking at some of his writing samples. It was short and spoke to who he is. I think it probably was unique and maybe stood out.
[<em>] Math Rec: I think this was strong, teacher likes him and he is in an advanced class.
[</em>] English Rec: Not negative, but maybe not as strong. I’m sure she had nice things to say about desire to learn/work ethic, etc. But he is not a huge standout in this area.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: He ended up submitting four recs. I was nervous about this (I am ALWAYS so wary of being overbearing) but he felt they all said something ‘different’ about him, so we let him do it. I am certain that they all spoke very highly of him. One of these people has told us DS is favorite student in 20 years, so this was strong.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: I was nervous about this. The counselor did it, and she is very new to the school. Had only known him for a couple months. Met with him prior and said ‘so tell me a little about yourself.’ Not ideal, as I would have preferred it come from someone who knew him better.
[<em>] Sports (if any): Soccer – town league and a club team
[</em>] Instruments (if any): None
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Math team. Voice lessons. Archery. Avid hiker/climber. Nature camp counselor. Geography Bee winner.<br>
[</em>] Hook: Strong theatre background – lots of experience at a level more than just school production type stuff. Sent online clips to AO and theatre folks at school, and ended up meeting with someone in the dept who put in a good word with AO. I have no idea how much weight this carried, but it was a very positive experience from him regardless. I do think theatre for boys is a bit of a hook, as there are fewer of them.
[<em>] State or Country: MA
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9th
[</em>] Age: 13
[<em>]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA (we needed about half)
[/ul]Strengths: Strong interpersonal skills, very much comes off as a bit of a Renaissance man, as he has a wide variety of interests/knowledge
Weaknesses: I was worried that he was TOO much of a jack of all trades/master of none, and that the school would see him as a ‘dabbler’ without focus
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: If I had to guess I would say good fit for Harkness. It’s true that he learns best by discussion, and I think his essays/interviews/etc. were successful at demonstrating it.
General Comments: Only school he applied to, which scared the bejeebers out of me at the time. But he knew this was the only place he wanted to be (and maybe they saw that?), and his LPS is a great option, so we rolled the dice. He *did</em> tell them it was his one and only. </p>

<p>** Accepted: Tabor, Governor’s, Exeter **
** Rejected: None **
**Wait listed: Milton **
**Likely Attending: Exeter **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT- 96th percentile overall, 99th reading, 74th math, 96th verbal
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0/4.2
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] Other stats: N/A
[li] Interviews:</p>[/li]
<p>Tabor was a bit awkward, it was my first one. Met with an English teacher, she seemed to really like me. We stayed in touch and she made sure to stress the strength of Tabor’s academics- I think she knew I was considering it as a safety.</p>

<p>Gov’s went wonderfully I’d say. Interviewed with head of admissions and we talked for over an hour. Once again, stressed the strength of academics- I think Tabor and Gov’s were both aware that I considered them “safety schools”</p>

<p>Milton was good. I had trouble connecting to the interviewer but I think I showed my personality well. I didn’t enjoy this one as much as the others.</p>

<p>Exeter was great as well. I met with a current English teacher and she told me that I was the type of student who would thrive at Exeter. We connected very well and talked for about an hour.
[<em>] Essays: Essays were a strong point for me. I was very proud of them and I think they spoke to who I am.
[</em>] Math Rec: Outstanding, I’m sure. I’m very close with my math teacher.
[<em>] English Rec: Once again, I’m sure it was great. She is also my advisor and speech coach, she knows me very well.
[</em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Only submitted to Exeter, I had my theater/voice teacher write it. I’m sure it was very nice.
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: I’ve known my principal for 9 years now, I’m sure she wrote a nice one.
[</em>] Sports (if any): Competitive horseback riding, tennis, skiing, have done basketball, soccer, swimming
[<em>] Instruments (if any): Little bit of voice and piano, at a dabbling level :slight_smile:
[</em>] Other ECs (if any): Speech team, student government, student tour guide, community service, creative writing, newpaper, theator
[<em>] Hook: Legacy at Tabor, Govs, and Exeter, if that counts as a hook
[</em>] State or Country: Massachussetts
[<em>] Current School Type: Small K-8 private
[</em>] Ethnicity: White
[<em>] Gender: Female
[</em>] Grade Applying For: 9
[<em>] Age: 14
[</em>]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full pay
[/ul]Strengths: Essays, recs, legacy, interviews at Exeter and Govs
Weaknesses: Location, interviews at Tabor and Milton, day student applicant for Milton
**Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Tabor: Legacy, essays, grades, SSAT, academic strength Gov’s: Academics, essays, interview, legacy Exeter: legacy, essays, interview Milton: day student, interview **
General Comments: I am so so happy to have gotten into Exeter! It’s a dream come true!</p>

<p>** Accepted:** Hotchkiss and Loomis
** Rejected:** None
Wait listed: Taft and Exeter
Likely Attending: Hotchkiss</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 84% overall
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.75
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] Other stats: N/A
[<em>] Interviews: All of them lasted for over an hour and I think they were the strongest points of my applications.
[</em>] Essays: Did them relatively late but I worked the longest on my essays for Hotchkiss and Taft.
[<em>] Math Rec: Average
[</em>] English Rec: Very high
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: I had my voice teacher and my History teacher write them
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Kind of rushed them at the end so I have no idea
[<em>] Sports (if any):
[</em>] Instruments (if any):
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Community service, choir, photography (submitted portfolio to Hotchkiss)
[</em>] Hook: URM, legacy at Exeter
[<em>] State or Country: Somewhere in Asia
[</em>] Current School Type: International School
[<em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 10
[</em>] Age: 15
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA[/li][/ul]Strengths: Definitely interviews
Weaknesses: No sports at all
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I kept in touch with someone from Hotchkiss and I think our correspondence really helped them get to know me more. I think I was wait listed at Exeter as a soft rejection because of my legacy status and at Taft because I didn’t have any sports, in addition to there just being more qualified students and it being an extremely competitive year.
General Comments: Love the school that loves you, everything happens for a reason :)</p>

<p>[ color=green] Accepted: New Hampton School, The Governor’s Academy![ /color]
[ color=red][ b] Rejected: Andover, Exeter, Concord, St. Mark’s, Kimball Union[ /b][ /color]
[ color=blue][ b]Wait listed: St. Paul’s, Milton[ /b][ /color]
[ color=gold][ b]Likely Attending: The Governor’s Academy[ /b][ /color]</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: No GPA: Mostly A’s
[ *] Rank: Unofficially 3 out of 100
[ *] Other stats:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Interviews: Awesome! All were really able to get to know me and the school better
[ *] Essays: Rushed, Some with more effort then others
[ *] Math Rec: Strong; I love him
[ *] English Rec: Strong: Govs said that she commented about my dilligence!
[ *] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Hopefully strong
[ *] Principal/Counselor Rec: Probaly Strong
[ *] Sports (if any): Football
[ *] Instruments (if any):
[ *] Other ECs (if any):
[ *] Hook: Football?
[ /list][ b]Location/Person: Low-income city in MA
[ *] State or Country: MA
[ *] Current School Type: Public
[ *] Ethnicity: African-American
[ *] Gender: Male
[ *] Grade Applying For: 9
[ *] Age: 14
[ *]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA
[ /list][ b]Strengths: Essays, Grades, I guess Interviews
[ b]Weaknesses: SSAT
[ b]Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Probably if I had a higher SSAT then I would’ve seen better news, but still pleased!
[ b]General Comments: I’m so happy for everyone who got accepted and I can’t wait for revisit days!!! </p>

<p>Just reformatting @sorifootball13</p>

<p>Accepted: New Hampton School, The Governor’s Academy![ /color]
[color=red]** Rejected: Andover, Exeter, Concord, St. Mark’s, Kimball Union**
Wait listed: St. Paul’s, Milton
Likely Attending: The Governor’s Academy</p>

[<em>]SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT: 52 percentile
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: No GPA: Mostly A’s
[<em>] Rank: Unofficially 3 out of 100
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: Awesome! All were really able to get to know me and the school better
[</em>] Essays: Rushed, Some with more effort then others
[<em>] Math Rec: Strong; I love him
[</em>] English Rec: Strong: Govs said that she commented about my dilligence!
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Hopefully strong
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Probaly Strong
[<em>] Sports (if any): Football
[</em>] Instruments (if any):
[<em>] Other ECs (if any):
[</em>] Hook: Football?
[<em>] State or Country: MA
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: African-American
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9
[</em>] Age: 14
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA[/li][list]Strengths:[list] Essays, Grades, I guess Interviews
Weaknesses: SSAT
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Probably if I had a higher SSAT then I would’ve seen better news, but still pleased
General Comments: I’m so happy for everyone who got accepted and I can’t wait for revisit days!!!</p>

<p> ** Accepted:** nowhere :slight_smile:
** Rejected:** Phillips Exeter Academy (wankers)
[ b]Wait listed:**
[ b]Likely Attending:** nowhere </p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.6 W
[<em>] Rank:don’t know, don’t care
[</em>] Other stats:
[/ul][ b]Subjective:**[ul]
[<em>] Interviews: very long, spoke about everything, emotional, however I felt embarrassed.
[</em>] Essays: Actually amazing. #1 Spoke about passion for physics, how I am beginning to pursue research and getting help to publish a paper, talked about how I would stay up daily during the schoolweek until 3AM doing physics. </p>

<h1>2 spoke about failure in the math team and how it inspired me to self learn pre calculus and calculus. I will be spending the summer teaching myself multivariate Calc.</h1>

<p>[<em>] Math Rec: math teacher loves me, but is not the lovey dovey teacher type.
[</em>] English Rec:amazing from what I heard.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: didn’t have one. Advisor never completed it.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: AMAZING!!!
[<em>] Sports (if any):nah
[</em>] Instruments (if any):nah
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Spanish Club, Anime Club, Math Team, Science Team, Mock Trial
[</em>] Hook: first generation to graduate high school and college, not Caucasian, passion for math and physics (like they care)
[<em>] State or Country: New Jersey
[</em>] Current School Type: public high school
[<em>] Ethnicity: African American, middle eastern
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 11th
[</em>] Age: 16
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: needed full financial aid [/li][/ul]Strengths: mathematics, physics, creative writing
Weaknesses: GPA
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I think I was rejected because I am too stupid for Exeter. I haven’t cured cancer and they don’t like to accept new juniors. Also full FA was needed…
General Comments: Honestly, I couldn’t careless about being rejected. I guess this process was okay. Maybe I’ll apply again, but at the end of the day, I can survive without attending Exeter or boarding school. The dream ends here. </p>

<p>** Accepted:** Loomis Chaffee
** Rejected:** none
Wait listed: Thacher
** Likely Attending:** Probably Loomis, but really want Thacher
[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 88 raw score for SSAT, 97th nationally, 97th percentile for seventh grade SAT
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 97/100 as of right now
[<em>] Rank: Don’t rank
[</em>] Other stats: not sure what to put here…
[<em>] Interviews:
Thacher: I was very, very nervous, but it seemed conversational… Maybe? The AO is super nice and I had talked with her previously, so that part was good.
Loomis: It was over Skype. The AO was again very nice and we bonded over history, my favorite subject. He talked about his travels and it was really fun.
[</em>] Essays: I checked, rechecked, and checked again. I love writing, but I don’t know how they compare to others.
I sound like myself when I write, so it really depended on whether or not the people reading my essays like that sort of thing.
[<em>] Math Rec: Math is my worst subject, but my teacher is really supportive. It’s probably not praises, but I can’t see it being bad either… If that makes sense?
[</em>] English Rec: I think that it’s good… that’s really all there is to say… How am I supposed to know what my teachers wrote about me?? Sorry… I’m just curious.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: My dean of students wrote mine and we have a good relationship. My school really doesn’t want me to leave, though, so I don’t know if she mentioned that…
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: My principal is amazing, but again, doesn’t want me to leave… I’m not trying to be cocky or anything, but my school… well…
[<em>] Sports (if any): I play polo, compete in saddleseat, field hockey, and am on the swim team. I have various awards in saddleseat and am on a USPA recognized team for polo.
[</em>] Instruments (if any): none
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): I used to theater obsessively. I love it, but riding took priority and I had to quit this year.
[</em>] Hook: I would say my passion, cliche, but true.
[<em>] State or Country: Texas
[</em>] Current School Type: Private, Catholic, all-girls
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9
[</em>] Age: 14
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: no FA needed[/li][/ul]Strengths: My strengths are english, history, writing, riding, playing field hockey, public speaking, acting, and I always push myself to do new things.
Weaknesses: MATH. My grades last year were also not up to par, because of some personal issues.
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I think that I was wait listed because I was good, but not quite there. I think of the wait list as a back-up plan… That’s kind of something I’m used to by now. I was runner up for Student Council president last year and this year my proposal for a science experiment was one step away from being chosen to go up on the ISS. I am not complaining, because I am very privileged and would be honored to go to Loomis next year, but Thacher was and is my dream. It combines my love for the academics, outdoors, and horses…
General Comments:</p>

<p>** Accepted:** Middlesex, St. Paul’s
** Rejected:** Hotchkiss, NMH, Deerfield, Andover, Groton, Loomis
Wait listed: Governors, Episcopal
Likely Attending: MIddlesex (probably)</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.1/3.3
[<em>] Rank: (lets not talk about it)
[</em>] Other stats: None
[<em>] Interviews: Middlesex interviews was a stroke of luck, emailed the coach to discuss sports and after talking for a while he went off and got me an interview (which I killed). St Paul’s didn’t feel like that good of an interview but they liked me a lot. We we’re actually well connected with Hotchkiss but I don’t think I had that good of an interview. Episcopal admissions guy liked me a lot. NMH awesome tour but not very interesting interview. I didn’t interview for governors but I got wait listed. Andover guy was ecstatic about me but I think my grades we’re too low for them.
[</em>] Essays: My forte.
[<em>] Math Rec: Teacher loved me.
[</em>] English Rec: Probably said something about potential because I had a C in that class.
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Personal trainer for football.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Not sure what she said. She counseled me with a lot stuff that occurred the year before.
[<em>] Sports (if any): Football, Track and Field
[</em>] Instruments (if any): None
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Computer Programming
[</em>] Hook: Kid looking for a place to be an athlete and a computer programmer while meeting people in a community trying to do the same.
[<em>] State or Country: South Carolina
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Half African American/Half Jamaican
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 10 (repeat)
[</em>] Age: 16
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full[/li][/ul]Strengths: Interviews and Essays
Weaknesses: Grades and SSAT
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I think I was just able to leave good impression on the people I met.
General Comments: I don’t know, just apply to as many schools as your head can handle and give full effort on all of them.</p>

<p>** Accepted: **
** Rejected: Kent, L’ville**
Wait listed:SPS, Exeter
Likely Attending: hoping to get off wait list, have promised to commit to religion if i do</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SAT 1; 2200 ACT; 34
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.7 UW
[<em>] Rank: Top 10%
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: Exeter; great, first one though
SPS; great, really clicked with interviewer
Kent; ehh i couldn’t tell, sometimes the interviewer seemed uninterested other times she like my jokes
Lawrenceville; I thought it went well but apparently not
[</em>] Essays: Wrote about personal struggles as well as leadership, and my admiration for particular pioneers in different fields
[<em>] Math Rec: 10/10
[</em>] English Rec: 8/10
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 9.5/10
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: 10/10
[<em>] Sports (if any): Volleyball, Track
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Flute
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Math Team (multiple awards), Model UN(multiple awards), Medical Competitions(multiple awards), Science Research, Robotics, Internships, NHS, FBLA(1 award), TSA, DECA, Various Community service endeavors
[</em>] Hook: Volleyball, Research
[<em>] State or Country: Tri State Area
[</em>] Current School Type: Magnet
[<em>] Ethnicity: Asian (■■■)
[</em>] Gender: Asian
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 11th
[</em>] Age: 15
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Looked for 1/2 financial aid[/li][/ul]**Strengths: Interviews, awards, sports hook **
**Weaknesses: asian, wanted FA, from area with a lot of applicants **
**Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: in general I have a lot of leadership positions and I really really wanted to attend boarding school so I guess it showed in my interviews/essays **
**General Comments: I regret not applying when I was in 8th grade. **</p>

<p>Just editing @teenagecrime so its formatted correctly.</p>

<p>** Accepted: none**
** Rejected: Kent, L’ville 11th grade**
Wait listed:SPS, Exeter 11th grade
Likely Attending: hoping to get off wait list, have promised to commit to religion if i do</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SAT 1; 2200 ACT; 34
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.7 UW
[<em>] Rank: Top 10% at a selective school
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: Exeter; first one, it was intimidating, but I liked the interviewer and I found them really well thought out and they seemed to like my list of ECs,
SPS; clicked with interviewer extremely well, thought it went really well
Kent; i couldn’t tell, sometimes the interviewer seemed uninterested other times she like my jokes
Lawrenceville; I thought it went well but apparently not
[</em>] Essays: Wrote about personal struggles as well as leadership, and my admiration for particular pioneers in different fields
[<em>] Math Rec: 10/10
[</em>] English Rec: 8/10
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 9.5/10
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: 10/10
[<em>] Sports (if any): Volleyball, Track
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Flute
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Math Team (multiple awards), Model UN(multiple awards), Medical Competitions(multiple awards), Science Research, Robotics, Internships, NHS, FBLA(1 award), TSA, DECA, Various Community service endeavors
[</em>] Hook: Volleyball, Research
[<em>] State or Country: Tri State Area
[</em>] Current School Type: Magnet
[<em>] Ethnicity: Asian (</em>**<em>)
[</em>] Gender: Asian
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 11th
[</em>] Age: 15
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Looked for 1/2 financial aid[/li][/ul]**Strengths: Interviews, awards, sports hook **
**Weaknesses: asian, wanted FA, from area with a lot of applicants **
**Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: in general I have a lot of leadership positions and I really really wanted to attend boarding school so I guess it showed in my interviews/essays **
[ b]General Comments: I regret not applying when I was in 8th grade. **</p>

<p>Accepted: Taft, Culver
Rejected: St. Pauls
Wait listed: Deerfield
Likely Attending: Taft</p>

SSAT: 75 percentile
GPA Unweighted: 3.8 Weighted: 4.1
Rank: No ranking
Interviews: My interviews could not have gone better!
Essays: Rushed and sloppy.
Math Rec: No idea
English Rec: No idea
Personal/Extracurricular Rec: No idea
Principal/Counselor Rec: No idea
Sports (if any): Track and field (pole vault)
Instruments (if any): violin, piano
Other ECs (if any): founded a non-profit charity, tutor’s chinese, worked on my charity in china
Hook: Pole vaulting, chinese
State or Country: AZ
Current School Type: Private; Catholic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Female
Grade Applying For: 10
Age: 15
Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay
Strengths: Grades, EC’s, interviews, connections
Weaknesses: SSAT
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Waitlisted because of my bad SSAT’s, rejected from SPS because I didn’t finish the app/ interview/ tour (did not really apply to SPS)
General Comments: This has truly been stressful but I hope you are all happy no matter where you attend next year!</p>

Waitlisted: Exeter
Likely Attending: Exeter Summer School
Got full-ride scholarship to Exeter’s summer school so they can get to know me better so I can apply again for my junior year: this may be considered a waitlist?</p>

GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.85
Rank: School doesn’t rank.
Other stats: Semi-finalist in National Science Fair, My Math team is #1 in the state
Andover: A bit awkward, but it was good!
Exeter: Excellent, it was over the phone. I was smiling the whole time. :slight_smile:
Essays: My essays were pretty good, but I only worked on them for a week at the most.
Math rec: Good I believe!
English Rec: Better!
Additional Teacher Rec: History teacher rec was excellent
Personal/Extracurricular Rec: My Model UN coach wrote one for me, not sure how it was
Principal/Counselor rec: Good, not great.
Sports: Soccer JV, XC V/JV, Nordic Skiing JV, Track (MS), Volleyball (3 yrs)
Instruments (if any): Baritone, Clarinet, Trumpet Soloist in a Jazz Band
Other ECs: Teen Leadership Coalition, FBLA, Mathletes, Model UN, Science Fair, Student Council
Hook: National Semifinalist, many sports, etc.
Location/Person: Under-represented state
State or Region: Not saying
Current School Type: Med Public
Ethnicity: Spanish/White
Gender: Female
Grade Applying For: 10
Age: 14
Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA
Strengths: I don’t have to really try hard for anything. I’m a fast learner.
Weaknesses: Motivation, I really need to give more effort.
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: Andover- bad recs, ssat. Exeter- under-represented, impressive stats (said they were very impressed in my letter.) I just need to work on my SSAT
What I think before my results: it’s my first time so I’ll give it a shot. I’m dead set on getting in next year though.
What I think after my results: I’m ready to go my Junior year. </p>

<p>General Comments:
I’m so blessed to have gotten the Bissell House scholarship.
I was very sick the day of SSATS, and it was super snowy so we were late. </p>

<p>** Accepted: Phillips Exeter Academy,Groton School
** Rejected:None
**Wait listed:Phillips Academy Andover,Deerfield Academy
**Likely Attending:Phillips Exeter Academy</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: TOEFL=110 points; SSAT=92%
[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted:Maximum (we dont use GPA)
[<em>] Rank: 1 out 157
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews: Had 4 skype interviews
-Exeter and Andover: alumni interview.Great! Long and interesting. They were extremely nice and seemed impressed. It was really comfortable and seemed more of a conversation than interview.
-Groton: AO interview by Skype. By far the best interview. The AO was super nice, enjoyed my passion for science and math, and really loved me. She even showed me to the window to show me the snow. Definitely the best interview. Quite long.
-Deerfield: AO interview. It was short and concise…Dunno what to make of it.
[</em>] Essays:
-Exeter: The essays were of my special style :P, SHOWED not told about my passions and were all written in a pretty interesting way. They really showed the real me, who I was, and were about the things I enjoy… I guess they were pretty impressive.
-Groton: The long Groton essay is maybe the best I’ve done… but thats because it was a great topic. Good essays.
-Andover: Great essay. I love it, it’s personal, and its about how I coped from the downfalls and challenges and used them as a big push forward and the “never give up thing”. Used real examples. But i guess it wasnt enough to make them accept me :stuck_out_tongue:
-Deerfield: Short essay kind of similar to Andover’s. But shorter. Personal essay… well it was about me…idk
[<em>] Math Rec:Amazing. Im the best student she ever had bla bla bla.
[</em>] English Rec: Great
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: More than perfect
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: This one likes me, so he might have shown me what he had written :wink: it was pretty good.
(In general, all the recs sparkled :stuck_out_tongue: the teachers printed a copy after they sent them in and gave them to me. Never been more grateful to them in my whole life )</p>

<p>[<em>] Sports (if any): Volleyball. Been playing for 5 years. Varsity team. Professional club.<br>
[</em>] Instruments (if any): Violin.
[<em>] Other ECs (if any):distinguished Math Olympiad winner, Drama Club, Writing club, Physics olympiad
[</em>] Hook: MATH OLYMPIADS! Volleyball. Winner of the first prize nationally in essay competition. Extremely extremely passionate about science.
[<em>] State or Country: Somewhere in Europe
[</em>] Current School Type: Private day school
[<em>] Ethnicity:White/ Caucasian
[</em>] Gender:Female
[<em>] Grade Applying For:9
[</em>] Age:14
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full FA[/li][/ul]Strengths:
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I guess I seemed like a good fit for their schools. Not so good for the schools i was waitlisted?? dunno…
General Comments: Im starting to feel bad about being accepted to both of the schools…Difficult decision ahead, even though Im heavily leaning towards exeter…</p>

<p>** Accepted: Andover, Deerfield, Exeter, Hotckiss**
** Rejected: None**
Wait listed: Choate
Likely Attending: No clue</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4/4.50
[<em>] Rank: No rank, but top of class
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews:
-Exeter: Really strange. The interviewer was very inexperienced and awkward.
-Andover: The best. My interviewer was amazing, and totally understood who I was.
-Choate, Deerfield, Hotchkiss- I’m very confortable with adults, so all of these went very well.
[</em>] Essays:
Not the best I’ve ever written by any measure, but grammatically fantastic and decently interesting
[<em>] Math Rec:
-Great. I’m my math teacher’s favorite student, and he likes me a lot.
[</em>] English Rec:
-Incredible! She gave me the best comments on my term report, so I expect this to be fantastic
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec:
-Says its the best one she’s ever written. Very close with my dance teacher, have worked with her for many years.
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec:

  • Former science teacher of mine before becoming counselor and she likes me a lot.
    [<em>] Sports (if any):
    Soccer, Lacrosse
    [</em>] Instruments (if any):
    Strong Singer, harp
    [<em>] Other ECs (if any): Drama, Community Service
    [</em>] Hook: Part of several elite choral groups, well rounded candidate
    [<em>] State or Country: New England
    [</em>] Current School Type: Private day
    [<em>] Ethnicity: White
    [</em>] Gender: Female
    [<em>] Grade Applying For: 10
    [</em>] Age: 15
    [li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay[/li][/ul]Strengths: I am quite smart, focused, a great leader, and very charismatic.
    Weaknesses: I’m a bit of a stereotypical NE white girl, no huge, endearing life experiences
    Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: I expected that I’d maybe get into 2 schools. My results were far better than I’d hoped, especially getting into Exeter. I think I was a strong candidate. I think I got wait listed at Choate because it was obvious how much I didn’t like the school, and they knew I wouldn’t go there.
    General Comments:
    I’m going to have a hard decision here. I think I am a great fit for a boarding school. I am sooo, sooo, sooo very excited about all the new adventures ahead of me! </p>