2014 Clean Official Boarding Decisions and Applicant Stats/Extracurriculars

<p>** Accepted:** St. George’s, Hill, Blair Academy
** Rejected:** Deerfield, St. Pauls, Hotchkiss, Choate, Lawrenceville
Wait listed: Episcopal
Likely Attending: St. George’s </p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.5 (my school doesn’t weigh classes)
[<em>] Rank: school doesn’t rank
[</em>] Other stats:
[/ul][ b]Subjective:**[ul]
[<em>] Interviews: - St. George’s: my first interview. I was EXTREMELY nervous but the lady was the nicest out of all my interviewers by far. She made me feel comfortable.

  • Hill: Boring interview
  • Blair: The interviewer did most of the talking but he seemed to really like me!
  • Deerfield: It was a lot longer than what it was supposed to be. The woman and I bonded over many similarities and I had clearly voiced to her that Deerfield was my first choice. She seemed to really like me.
  • St. Pauls: It was a great interview and the woman commented on how “sweet” I was. She also really liked the current school I’m at.
  • Hotchkiss: The lady was really cold and all her questions were based on academics, not my extra-curriculars or interests.
  • Choate: My best interview by far. The lady told me she would do everything she could to get me in and that I’m perfect for the school. (I guess not though, because I didn’t get in. I’m still a little hurt she got my hopes up so much)
    Lawrenceville: Great interview!! I bonded a lot with the guy and he told me that I would fit right in with the school and that he’ll advocate for me (Once again, guess not.)
    [</em>] Essays: I worked hard on each essay. It took a really long time because I had so many to do, but each one was very different and unique.
    [<em>] Math Rec: Great! Math is my best subject and the teacher likes me a lot.
    [</em>] English Rec: Average. I’m not the best in the class.
    [<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Amazing. I had the director of my school write it and we’re very close.
    [</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Very good
    [<em>] Sports (if any): Cross Country, Tennis, Track
    [</em>] Instruments (if any): Drums
    [<em>] Other ECs (if any): Singing, Community Service
    [</em>] Hook: I speak 4 languages and I’m very dedicated to Art.
    [/ul][ b]Location/Person:**[ul]
    [<em>] State or Country: United States
    [</em>] Current School Type: Top Private School
    [<em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian
    [</em>] Gender: Female
    [<em>] Grade Applying For: 10th
    [</em>] Age: 15
    [li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay[/li][/ul]Strengths: I’m very outgoing and like to try many new things.
    Weaknesses: I’m not exceptional at anything in particular. I’m not in a varsity sport or the president of the class, etc.
    Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: My grades in the previous years have been quite low because of numerous concussions, that’s why I think I didn’t get in to so many of the schools.
    General Comments: At first I was extremely upset with my results, but I’ve come to realize that I should love the schools that love me, not the ones that don’t. I’m still a little upset that so many of the schools led me on a lot, but what happened happened and I need to move on. I’m now really excited to become a Dragon!!</p>

<p>** Accepted: Woodberry Forest School, Episcopal High School, Deerfield Academy**
** Rejected: None**
Wait listed: Groton
Likely Attending: Woodberry Forest School</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.8/4.0
[<em>] Rank: 2/16
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Interviews:
Woodberry- 8/10
Episopal- 5/10
Deerfield- 10/10
Groton- 7/10
[</em>] Essays: Amazing
[<em>] Math Rec: Amazing
[</em>] English Rec: Pretty Good
[<em>] Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 3, Great
[</em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Awesome
[<em>] Sports (if any): Cross Country, Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse
[</em>] Instruments (if any): None
[<em>] Other ECs (if any): Honor Council, Leadership Council, Vice President of NJHS for 1 year, Virginia House of Delegates Page Program
[</em>] Hook: Virginia House of Delegates Page Program
[<em>] State or Country: Virginia
[</em>] Current School Type: Private
[<em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Grade Applying For: 9
[</em>] Age: 14
[li]Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay[/li][/ul]Strengths: Math, Science, Creative Writing
Weaknesses: None, consistent in every class, occasional slip-up
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?: My EC’s and Essays
General Comments: None</p>

<p>@warewofo you might not like Christchurch but there are still students attending that school as well as students who are grateful to be accepted at a school such as that. And beyond your provincial beliefs, people do not get into Christchurch. I am sure that you have deeply offended all of these people who have had contact with the school. This thread was made for people to post their results, not for one to bash another school. By the way, I had never heard of Woodberry Forest School until I had joined CC, and to some it could be regarded as “bad” as Christchurch. Think before you post because even though it is anonymous, do you want to represent yourself this way? You should respect others and their decisions of what schools they choose to apply to. But I guess I should have expected a comment like this from a kid who said that his application had no weaknesses. </p>

<p>Every school has pluses and minuses. For many people, tuition and location are huge factors. Christchurch is a wonderful small, Southern boarding school with great access to the water. Whether or not it is academically or even athletically as strong as a HADES or GLADCHEMMS doesn’t matter; for some people it is just what they need and fits perfectly. People should stop assuming that the decision for high school is based on which school is the most famous and prestigious and start concerning themselves with fit. </p>

<p>@needtoboard , the reason I said I don’t have any weaknesses is because I am equally as successful in each class, I’m not really better than one over the other</p>

<p>and also @needtoboard , I have never in my life heard of anybody not getting into Christchurch, they sent my sister an acceptance letter without even applying, she shadowed for a day, then she decided she didn’t want to go to a school that just hands out acceptance letters</p>

<p>@warewofo in another thread you created, you said that you referenced boarding school review for acceptance rates, SSAT scores, etc. Since you have done this research, I would assume that you know that Christchurch has a 65% acceptance rate. I have never heard of anybody not getting into Woodberry Forest, because I you are the only person I “know” that has applied to the school. Also, weaknesses go beyond your grades. Weaknesses consider all aspects of your application. Please, lets not argue on this thread, because it is for people to see the results of this year’s applicants.</p>

<p>@warewofo I don’t know much about Christchurch but the way you responded to that person about the school was extremely rude. I noticed that you got into Deerfield, which was my top choice (I didn’t get in). Pains me to see the type of people they have accepted over others…
Also, just a reminder, this is a site to help each other, not criticize people on their choices. </p>

<p>@warewofo That just means you don’t know enough people. As @needtoboard stated, Christchurch has a 65% acceptance rate. If so, that means that 35% of the applicants don’t get accepted. Obviously, people are being WL/RJ. Your own bias is impacting your statements, and your negativity is not needed on this forum. Wherever @prepschoolwannab applies to is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.</p>

<p>Thanks guys @teenwithadream @boardingschoolx</p>

<p>@prepschoolwannab No problem! Christchurch sounds like a lovely school, and no one is in any place to judge you on your decisions. Best of luck with your future endeavors! :)</p>

<p>It just amazes me how rude one can be about a school that is a fine institution.</p>

<p>@needtoboard It just amazes me that someone actually believes that he possesses the authority to judge another person’s decisions. A stranger, at that!</p>

<p>@boardingschoolx I’m still mad over this.</p>

<p>@needtoboard I understand completely. Let’s just listen to “Let It Go” by Idina Menzel repeatedly- there’s nothing else we can do.</p>


<p>the cold really bothers me anyway</p>

<p>(sorry I don’t know how to colorcode it)</p>

<p>Accepted: SPS & Milton
Rejected: Hotchkiss
Wait listed: Deerfield & Choate
Likely Attending: SPS</p>

SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT 98th percentile
GPA Unweighted/Weighted: N/A
Rank: Not sure
Other stats: None
Interviews: My Hotchkiss interviewer kept rushing me (he had 50 interviews to do that day), but it still went really well. I got the impression that he really liked me. My Choate interview was the best, definitely- the interviewer told me that she would do everything in her power to get me accepted… but I guess that didn’t work out :slight_smile: My interview at Deerfield was horrible. The interviewer looked as if he was bored and unimpressed. My SPS interview also went pretty well- my interviewer and I talked a LOT. My Milton interview also went pretty smoothly.
Essays: My SPS, Milton, and Hotchkiss essays were really great. After reviewing my Choate & Deerfield essays, I believe I could have done better.
Math Rec: Probably pretty great. I’m doing geometry enrichment and I speak in lot in class.
English Rec: English is my best subject, and my average was 98% so I’m pretty sure it was really good…
Personal/Extracurricular Rec: I asked my Global Issues Network supervisor, and she loves me, so I guess they were good.
Principal/Counselor Rec: Not really familiar with her… but I was a school Ambassador for 2 years and I helped her organize her room last year, so I doubt she wrote anything negative.
Sports (if any): Tennis, X Country (school team)
Instruments (if any): Clarinet (Honor Band & jazz band), choir (3 years) and piano
Other ECs (if any): Art (featured in local magazines, featured in exhibits, have my own blog), creative writing (won 3rd in a national competition, also have a blog), Debate (MUN, won “best delegate” and “best voice” during my first MUN; 1/6 people chosen in my entire school to go to a GIN conference), Community Service (church, teach migrant school students, etc)
Hook (if any): I’m obviously very passionate about my interests- have loads of acclaimed blogs. I’m also very art-oriented, yet well-rounded.
State or Country: China
Current School Type: International school
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female
Grade Applying For: 9th
Age: 13
Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full pay
Strengths: Too lazy to answer this
Weaknesses: ^
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? No idea haha.
General Comments: I’m happy about my acceptances! Going to attend SPS (DEFINITELY). I feel guilty about Milton, though… I really loved it as well. At least someone is going to get off Milton’s waitlist now :slight_smile: GO BIG RED!</p>

<p>Congrats everyone.
Excited/nervous to start this process next year!
I’m a seventh grader lol. :)</p>

<p>@mathman1201 PM me if you have any questions at all!</p>

<p>Congrats everyone!</p>