2014 Fellows Semi-Finalists

<p>So if we haven’t received a finalist email yet, is there still hope for a finalist letter in the mail? I didn’t know they were sending emails at all. </p>

<p>pastudent23: I’m wondering the same thing. I’ve seen one person receive a “finalist” email. Everyone else that’s been notified seems to have gotten snail mail. I haven’t seen anyone talking about a rejection letter or email yet. Also, ThatsMyKid is talking about receiving an email from Stephanie indicating that they are a bit behind due to the bad weather and my S didn’t get that email. Very confusing.</p>

<p>Just a tip about the new CC layout - if you put your cursor over the date of the post it will give you more detail. For example, when looking at past threads if it says “January 2013” if you put your cursor over that you will be able to see the actual date and time of the post.</p>

<p>I wrote to Stephanie, the email was the reply to my question. I didn’t ask for specifics, just an update on when. I was still thinking snail mail had been getting received for a while because I was reading last years thread.
Thanks for the “tip” on the mouse tip, that will be nice.</p>

<p>My S just texted me from an after school event to ask me to check the mail box for anything from Bama. Of course, I had already done that the minute I heard the mail truck hours ago. Nothing. With the finalist days coming up in 2 weeks, I’m pretty sure the students chosen have gotten their notifications by now. I’ve only seen a couple of people say they are finalists on this thread, but the others are probably just not CC’ers.</p>

<p>My daughter received a generic email asking for travel info and whatnot. I would assume that all the finalists received this email yesterday. Hope that helps some people.</p>

<p>Anyone know when CBH finalist info comes out?</p>

<p>I still have not heard anything at all regarding fellows since my phone interview…I’m holding out hope because I thought the phone interview went remarkably well. But, of course, you never do know for sure. I’m in NY and perhaps because of the 2 recent storms some mail may have gotten delayed?</p>

<p>My kiddo received the mailing earlier this week and is a Finalist for UFE. It came in a specially decorated red square package. A follow-up email was sent as well.</p>

<p>Thanks gsckmom and CinMom for posting. I guess we can stop watching our mail box. Not looking forward to telling my S. Good luck to your kids! </p>

<p>Received my rejection yesterday. To be honest I was quite shocked, seeing as I have extensive service experience domestically and abroad and was told on the phone that my essays were phenomenal. I was also accepted at Georgetown and other top tier schools. I guess UA has a different point of view and is looking for something verrry particular. That being said, best of luck to those continuing on in the process; the program really does offer great opportunities for the students in it! I will just have to continue on and am very grateful that I have other incredible options available to me. </p>