2014 Fellows Semi-Finalists

<p>New thread for those involved in the 2014 Fellows process…has anyone received finalist info yet? I live in PA and so far, nothing here.</p>

<p>Haven’t heard anything yet down here in Florida, probably has something to do with the huge ice storm that shut down practically the whole state last week. Hope to see you there though on finalist week!</p>

<p>They said they’d be calling us at the beginning of February, and we’ll get a call either way. Which is good, because part of me was worried that I would just never hear back. </p>

<p>So they are going to call about fellows finalists? Did they tell you that during the interview? I saw something on another thread that seemed to indicate snail mail notification. Anybody know for sure?</p>

<p>I emailed Stephanie last week and she told me they would be snailmailed, and that we would have everything this week.</p>

<p>Thanks pastudent23. At this point, my S just wishes everything was settled from the colleges he’s applied too–good or bad. There are way too many balls up in the air right now and it’s starting to make us all nuts at our house. It’s an exciting, but stressful time. I’m sure we’re not the only ones that feel that way.</p>

<p>@cdkmom I feel exactly the same way. :frowning: I was really hoping we would hear back from Fellows last week…waiting around is the worst part</p>

<p>Nothing here yet…</p>

<p>Mail just came. Nothing but bills and ads. Bummer. Anyone get anything from Fellows? :frowning: </p>

<p>I received an invitation to the finalists weekend yesterday (the 3rd) in the mail, and I live in Washington. Hopefully yours will come soon! Does anyone know how to prepare for the final interview? </p>

<p>It said we’d be called in the original email telling us we were semifinalists, but whatever Stephanie says is probably more up to date and accurate.</p>

<p>I haven’t gotten anything yet (but I live about as far away as you can get). Does anyone know how many people get invited to Finalist Weekend?</p>

<p>The semi-finalist email said about 130 phone interviews and about 60 invited to finalist weekend. W’re not in Alabama, but close enough that my S should have received the snail mail already if he was going to be invited. So I’m thinking they sent the invites out first and the rejection letters will come a little later. We’re feeling pretty pessimistic at this point. :frowning: </p>

<p>cdk – In a similar thread on this forum “University Fellows Experience Semi-Finalists” two members reported getting their letters that broke the news that their applicant will not be invited to the Fellows Experience, one was in Missouri and the other in Alabama. So you can see that both acceptance and rejection letters are moving out in parallel. We are still waiting here for a letter, but I’m not attributing the relative lateness of the letter with a specific yes/no outcome.</p>

<p>I received an email today from Stephanie Brewer that included congratulations on becoming a finalist and logistics regarding the weekend itself. 60 finalists were selected according to the message. I have not yet received any formal invitation in the mail, but thought this may be helpful. I am out of state (Midwest).</p>

<p>Did everyone who’s been selected also receive that email?</p>

<p>ThatsMyKid - I saw that other thread, too, but the people who were talking about receiving rejections letters were from February 2013, not February 2014. I haven’t seen anyone say they have gotten a rejection for the current round of Fellows. Looks like they have started sending “accepted” finalist emails now as well as letters according to oneoffive.</p>

<p>Stephanie said we would know by the end of this week regardless. At this point, I would honestly just like to know</p>

<p>I did get an email from the UFE Coordinator (Stephanie) with some information about the bad weather pushing back the timeline a bit. All letters have been mailed as of today, hoping one with lots of papers is still heading this way.
cdk - Thanks for catching the old thread thing. I remember being frustrated that I couldn’t tell what day in Feb the posts were made, when I should have been paying attention to what year they were posted. </p>

<p>ThatsMyKid: Yeh. In the past, didn’t this forum show the actual date & time of all posts rather than just the month? It bugs me because on stuff like this, the day of the month can be pretty relevant to figuring something out. Did you receive the email from Stephanie talking about the bad weather because you emailed and asked, or did it just come to you? I’m wondering because according to my S, he has received no correspondence from UFE since he received his semi-finalist email. </p>