2017-18 Medical School Applicants and Their Parents

JHU, Harvard and Stanford think that merit aid is detrimental to the future of medical education! I find it rather rich (pun intended) that these schools, that have their pick of high quality applicants to fill their classes, think that way! The schools that offer merit scholarships, often do so to poach some of those high stats kids from these very schools! Needless to say, they don’t like that very much :smiley: Also, there is very little evidence to suggest that medical school financial aid is a zero sum game.

Here is the article:


Such a liberal argument! No wonder more and more smart students are opting for wall street and tech industry rather than going to expensive medical education followed by low government payments for medical services.

All these schools are sitting on billions of endowments but increasing tuition double or triple the rate of inflation.

Congratulations, @jasmineRose!

Thank you @kal123.

Hope things are going well for everyone Our experience from two years ago was that some of the schools start clearing their their applicants around this time. It feels very unthanksgiving like but that is life.

Hallelujah, shout it from the rooftops! My D is going to medical school!

After 3 back-to-back rejections, she got accepted to her state school today. It’s going to be a very merry Christmas in our home this year.

Congratulations @belle315! Which state?

Whoo hoo! Great news, @Belle315

Congratulations to your daughter.

Thank you @srk2017 and @WayOutWestMom.

It’s UAB (Alabama).

Congrats!!! @Belle315
My son graduated from UAB med school last May. Excellent med school!!

Thank you @mom2collegekids. Yes, I have kept up with your son via your CC posts. You have been a wealth of information for us. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom!

Congrats @Belle315 !!! You must be so excited!!! I have a dear friend who is a professor at UAB Med School! She loves teaching there! Hoping to hear good news for D2 soon… one rejection (we knew it was coming) 1 hold, and 2 more interviews coming up.

Thank you @moonpie. You have been such a help to us in the process.

Wishing all the best for your D2. Even when you know it’s coming, getting rejections is no fun. I’m sure you will hear some good news really soon, though.

Congratulations to your D and you @Belle315

Thank you @texaspg.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom year after year on these threads ^:)^

Just checking in to send everyone my best wishes.

I hope all of your kids have received some good news by now. If not, there is still lots of time (this process just seems to go on forever, though, doesn’t it?)

No updates for almost a month. No one applied to TX schools? Match results came last week and my nephew matched at A&M.

We are STILL waiting on decisions. Hoping for the best, but no news seems to be good news for now? On hold at 2, rejected from 2.

good luck to your child @moonpie

Yes, wishing you all the best @moonpie.

We’ve still got 2 more decisions coming. I think the waiting is harder on the parents than the actual applicants. D tells me she rarely thinks about it.

I continue to be struck by the seeming randomness of the process. D has gotten an interview she never expected yet gotten a silent rejection from a school that, on paper, seems like a perfect fit. I know each school does things its own way, but I have a hard time making sense of it.