2017-18 Medical School Applicants and Their Parents

I think for some it can still be done in quick turnaround and for others perhaps not; clearly not the answer you’re looking for.
What I do predict, with better certainty, is that the school will spell out what timeframe she can anticipate when your daughter is there for the interview.

Thanks, @vandyeyes.

@belle315 they usually tell people at the interview which batch they will be part of for admissions at rolling schools.

Parents, how are your kiddos interviews going? Any highlights or snafu’s to share? Most of my daughter’s stories were related to travel, such as the huge snowstorm in NE at Halloween, 2011. My daughter wanted to cancel her U Chicago interview as she didn’t think she could get to the airport. The campus had no power, and she didn’t think the bus would be running. I told her the plane ticket was non refundable and to get her happy behind to the bus stop. She called campus police to see if they could take her from her dorm to the bus stop in town, and they told her they weren’t driving! She navigated her way down an unlit stairwell in her dorm with her carryon suitcase and had to walk up the middle of the road holding the suitcase, as that was where the least amount of snow accumulation was. Got to the bus stop to Boston to find 2 drunk guys with no coats on waiting for the bus as well. She made it to Logan, then to a host students apartment. Only then did she realize she still had on some of the bloody makeup on from the Halloween party the night before, where she was a zombie prom queen. She was accepted to the school but didn’t attend. She can laugh now, but wasn’t then!

My son got into Case Western with a merit scholarship!

Congratulations, @kal123 , that is a wonderful accomplishment! And I learned some thing today that even Med school gives out merit scholarships.

That’s wonderful @kal123. It’s wonderful to have an acceptance so soon, and with merit $ to boot.

Yes, UPenn handed out 10+ full scholarships each year (1 kid with 4.0 from Brown got it). Yale offered merit scholarship to a kid with 3.9+ from Berkeley which reduced tuition from private to in-state level.

@ka123 - Congratulations! What’s the scholarship amount?


Thank you.


It is a Dean’s merit scholarship ranging from 20k to 40k. We’ll know the exact amount in March.


Thank you!

Good luck today, everybody.

Yale offers only need based aid, unless there is a change in policy, this year.

@kal123 Congratulations to your son! Seems like he is in the right track.

@andorvw - there are more than 10 merit scholarships at Penn. I believe the website says 35 unless that number has come down.

Agree with Kal on Yale. They give additional named scholarships along with financial aid but if you dont qualify for FA, you wont get those. I think some of the named scholarships are in lieu of FA and not merit.

@kal123 Congratulations!

My daughter got a call from UChicago yesterday – admitted to their MD/PhD program! Very excited!

Congratulations everyone. I am so excited to hear all the good news. For those still waiting have no fear good things will come your way soon. Stay positive. Our kids have amazing futures ahead of them.

Congratulations @jasmineRose

@texaspg, Thank you!

Congrats all!

1-3 days notice is just crazy. Wow as if it weren’t already hard enough.