2017-18 Medical School Applicants and Their Parents

DD is very fortunate to have been accepted to 7 of the 8 schools she interviewed at for the MD/PhD program, rejected from one. She will be the first doctor from both sides of the family and we are so happy for her.

Thank you! This thread really helped me as it was all new to me.

That is an absolutely tremendous accomplishment for your D, @jasmineRose! Congratulations to you all. My D will also be the first doctor on either side of the family. None of her grandparents even has a college degree, so I share your pride and happiness.

Enjoy this amazing moment. She’s got a tough decision to make :slight_smile:

Congrats @jasmineRose! In this day and age that’s a stupendous achievement. Did she decide on which one to take?

Thanks @Belle315 and @srk2017.

She has narrowed it down to 4 and declined the acceptances from 3 schools. Now she is looking to see if she can finalize the top 3 and then attend the revisit weekends to decide on the final one to attend.

Just to give the complete details for future applicants/parents – She applied and completed secondary to 22 MD/PhD programs. Got interview invites from 17 of them and she attended 8 interviews and withdrew from 9 schools and didn’t attend the interview once she got accepted to UChicago in mid October. Now she will be making her final decision after the revisit to the top three choices.

@jasmineRose Thanks so much for sharing the summary.

Understand the MD/Ph.D is a special path both from students background / accomplishment and the admission process itself.

Would request others who have gone thru the regular MD path to share their experience and perspective so that it can benefit 2018-19 cycle students to get a feel.

Happy to report S and DIl ended up with 3 common MD acceptances and some others, so they will be together for the next 4 years. My little one got a DPT acceptance too. So everyone is off to grad school at once. This was a long cycle!

I’m just gonna say this is the LONGEST year of our lives, on hold at 2, rejected at 1, 2 late interviews next week. But at least 1 is at her sister’s med school so she will have a free place to stay and moral support! Still hoping for the best, but if not, she has applied to some post bac programs and masters programs to improve her chances next year!

GL @moonpie

Thanks, @srk2017! This process is just NUTS. It’s crazy that 2 years ago, with almost identical stats, my other D had 2 offers before Christmas! If she had to do it over, she would have cast her net wider, applied to more schools, but it is wha it is. She’s going to NOLA in 2 weeks to present her award winning research at a medical conference. She had another paper accepted for publication. She’s getting by!

@moonpie - yes, both UG and medical school admissions are getting worse every year! My S is a freshman at Vandy and I am keeping close eye on the process :slight_smile: He gave up BSMD admission for Vandy CV and wants to get into top med school. As an Indian boy from CA, he knows his odds are long.

@srk2017 One of the best things you can do is to encourage your son to get into ANY med school, not a “top” med school. Those of us parents that have gone through the process know it’s an honor for their kid to get accepted anywhere.

Great advice, @CottonTales! I agree!! Both my girls graduated from Vanderbilt UG, and felt very lucky to have gone there. But I must say, the med school process is really harder and way more time consuming and expensive than UG! The stress is all consuming!

@srk2017 Agree with above posts. Let your S apply to top tier school. But also to some non top tier schools, if he is keen on Medicine. I know first hand a similar profile to your S from Bay Area, BioMed Engg from UPenn with 39 MCAT and applied only to top tier and got wait-listed at UPenn and WahsU but did not get MD admission. Went to work in BioMed Engg 3 years back and happy and not having any plans to change.

It is a crap shoot for all of the “top” medical schools. As I told in the other thread, my friend works for a top medical school admission director, her reject file is full of perfect scored students with 4.0 GPA AND 226+ Mcat AND impressive everything. Since the top medical schools(ie Harvard, Stanford etc) admission rate is mostly at 2%, it is too unpredictable of the out comes.

@moonpie, @GoldenRock and @artloversplus - I agree with you’ll. like her did for UG, I will make sure he will apply broadly. To be safe he applied to 5 UCs and 15 other schools (including 7 BSMD last year) and felt the unpredictability of admission (admitted to Penn, but wait listed by Cornell and got CV at Vandy)

It is very unpredictable. Of my two the one with lower mcat did better with top schools in the same cycle. You just never know what they are looking for.

Can anyone please help with the pros and cons between 7 year BS/MD NJIT/NJMS versus going through the traditional route of Premed at UVA. Any insights on this will be helpful.

@best2018 - Are you instate for NJ? Any financial/merit aid @ UVA?

OOS for NJ (Good merit scholarship), Instate for UVA (No scholarship). How about the class sizes at NJIT honors college? UVA could have 300+ kids in few premed classes