2017 Official Prep School Stats/ECs

Rejected:Choate, Hotchkiss
Wait listed:
Likely Attending: Culver

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT- 44% (Yea could have done better…)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: (Unweighted I think) 3.9
• Rank:N/A
• Other stats:

• Interviews: Hotchkiss was short and my first it was good. Bonded with Choate really well. Culver was good too.
• Essays: Unique and fun
• Math Rec: Ok
• English Rec: Good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec:Ok
• Principal/Counselor Rec:Ok
• Sports (if any): Tennis- 2 years; Swimming-8 years; Soccer-3 years
• Instruments (if any): Piano- 2 years
• Other ECs (if any): Yearbook, Youth Group, and Book Club
• Hook: talked about Korean dramas in my essay (took a risk

Comments: Suprised I got accepted to Culver considering my low SSAT and I applied late, but glad I did! At first when I got rejected from HK and Choate I knew it was coming, but deep down I thought i was going to pull a miracle… didn’t happen xD. I’m glad i applied, rather get a rejection letter than not knowing

Accepted: Exeter, Choate, NMH, Berkshire, Milton
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Andover
Likely Attending: Not sure yet

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT 86 overall, 88 gender
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: all As, small private school that doesn’t do GPAs
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: Academic/school awards in Latin, History, Theater, Voice

• Interviews: Were all great. Lots of great feedback from AOs. Interviewing is probably one of my strengths.
• Essays: I thought they were good. Hard to know how they were received. I tried to really personalize them, speak from the heart.
• Math Rec: 8/10 Should have been decent, I am a really good student, but teacher isn’t a super big fan of mine
• English Rec: 10/10 Was likely really good.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 10/10 Was likely really good.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 10/10 was likely really good. I saw a copy of the one she sent to Exeter. It was really good.
• Sports (if any): Alpine skiing, soccer, lacrosse
• Instruments (if any): voice
• Other ECs (if any): Student Council President, created a Buddy Program at school to help connect middle school and lower school, 12 theater roles in past six years, plus 4 theater tech crews positions, all in three different local theater troupes, member of local competitive chorus, Vice President of state chapter of Junior Classical League, member of award winning Certamen team (Latin/classics competition team).
• Hook: Had a legacy hook at one school, and sports hook with alpine skiing at Milton, NHM, Berkshire.

• State or Country: Vermont
• Current School Type: tiny private school
• Ethnicity: white
• Gender: female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: Had to be my interviews, recommendations, and ECs. My recommenders all knew me really well and likely had really nice things to say about me.

Weaknesses: SSAT scores were good but not really really high. I am sure I didn’t study or prepare as much as most kids.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Interviews, recs, ECs. Interviewed at Andover in August with a person who wasn’t even full time in admissions, so that may have hurt there. Also, I had zero other connections to Andover. It seems at every other school I had some kind of additional connection/hook, like legacy or sports.

General Comments:

Good for you!! Congratualtions!! :smiley:

Accepted: Exeter, Deerfield, LDS
Rejected: Andover, Loomis
Wait listed: SPS, Lawrenceville, Choate
Likely Attending: Exeter!

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 91% overall
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.7
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: n/a

• Interviews: Exeter, Deerfield, and Lawrenceville were great 10/10. Andover, SPS, and Choate were okay so 8/10. Loomis was over skype and really short 6/10.
• Essays: Some were rushed 8/10
• Math Rec: she really likes me 10/10
• English Rec: likes me but kinda blind 8/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: thinks really highly of me 10/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: blind 8/10
• Sports (if any): Tennnis, Lacrosse, Track
• Instruments (if any): n/a
• Other ECs (if any): choir, robotics, math comps (6th in state), programming, ranked USTA player, Duke T.I.P
• Hook: URM, tennis

• State or Country: DC
• Current School Type: private
• Ethnicity: african american
• Gender: female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: like 80% FA

Strengths: interviews, sports, teachers like me, math, 8th grade report card, educational competitions

Weaknesses: FA, 7h grade started out bad on report card, SSAT was a bit low for some schools

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

I’m actually a bit surprised about getting into Exeter but not Andover because I felt like my andover application was overall solid, but there really is no way to predict these decisions. Interviews are really important and looking back, my Exeter and Deerfield ones were the best. I also stayed in constant communication with my ao’s so that might have helped. I heard that SPS had to downsize their class this year, so that may be why I was waitlisted, and Choate just didn’t have enough FA for me.

General Comments:

Future applicants, stay in contact with admissions officers! Thats really important in how they represent you because constant communication can help them see how wonderful of a candidate you are. Also, try to have a wide range of ECs so you stand out against other candidates and spend a while on your essays. The schools don’t really care how soon you submit your application, as long as its before the deadline. Good luck!

Edit: I live in North Carolina and made a typo of DC instead of NC, whoops