2021-2022 USC Transfer

I meant like demonstrated interested for the school like being subscribed to emails and things

Seems like a good question for @CADREAMIN , but I think your AO would know that you’re interested if you contact them a lot but I don’t believe they track it and take it into consideration for admission

I have not been in touch with my AO:(

Then that’s fine too! They probably get annoyed with applicants constantly contacting them asking when decisions come out anyway, but they’re all very kind

Hey guys! I applied to Dornsife as a non TTP and non legacy. USC requested a winter grade request about a week ago. I took a major class during my winter semester so I am assuming that’s why they requested it. I sent my updated official transcript about a week ago, and in my portal it still says “awaiting”. I’m wondering if they’ll request a SGR as well a little later on?? this waiting process is so grueling. I am so tempted to SIR to UCLA- but I still have hope for USC

Is there a chance they will still notify tonight?

Though last Friday a wave of notifications came around 8-815pm PST, it is not the norm.

So is it already safe to say that next week will be the 2nd wave?

There is usually like 2 weeks of silence before the “big wave”. We will see, nothing is confirmed.

Yep, eye of the hurricane.


Oop not before my birthday :woozy_face::woman_facepalming:t2:

Happy Friday (Saturday), another week gone by, and made it to the weekend. No big wave this week but keep your head up!!! We are officially in the final month. Since there was no big wave, it only means that the 2nd wave most likely has not happened. So, that’s positive for more acceptances. As the days approach the final stretch, remember to stay positive, stay focused on your classes (if you are currently taking classes), and most importantly, BREATHE!!! Just breathe you guys! We have been here together supporting one another for many weeks and we will be here until the end and hopefully, it’s the start of a new chapter for all of us at USC this fall. I really appreciate you guys because it has helped me know I’m not alone feeling the way I do. So thank you, guys


I came on CC tonight to check for any updates. Thankfully I found your message of support and it speaks to me. You impart positivity and a sense of CC family on this board and it is so much appreciated.

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Thank you for all of your kind words and helpful answers throughout this thread. Out of most people on this thread you seem the most positive and most helpful. I would like to speak on behalf of everyone on this thread that your answers to our questions really do make us at ease. Thank you!


I totally feel that!

I’ve been getting pretty inconsistent communication and only occasionally got lucky enough to receive an email response!

in the same boat as you. Dornsife, non ttp, winter grade request. I’m honestly expecting an SGR as well
 but i have no idea. Let me know if you have any updates!!

Good morning future Trojans! Its May the first As according to @CADREAMIN, the magic day for a potential first wave of reg admission decisions coming today, historically! The bet is on


Yes, they have loved May 1st when they released the first wave around April 10th -15th. But alas, they were late this year (with everything) so it seems we are instead in the couple week long eye of the hurricane (between waves).


I hope we do get some acceptances today tho, since last night’s decisions were only a few. I also had a question, as a viterbi non ttp non legacy when do you expect my decision to be out?

I would go enjoy your weekend and put this USC stuff on the back burner of your mind. Viterbi has been mid to later May. They are generally last to belly up to the bar with SCA. But here’s hoping they roll some out sooner here and there.