2021-2022 USC Transfer

tysm!! I currently have calc 2 and physics I in progress. should I be expecting an sgr? I’m kinda hoping I don’t get one bc it’ll push back my decision a lot

With Physics in play ya, I would think so.

ugh ): I’m gonna end up with a B in that class so that really worries me. but my professor has honestly sucked this semester + it was online and I had some stuff going on. do you think I can explain that to them?

A B Is not going to make or break an overall otherwise stellar app. Not worth explaining and you may not even get an SGR. Seems you could with physics going on now, but they have the luxury of having your entire application, so they may decide an SGR is not necessary.

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When do you think Annenberg non ttp non legacy decisions will be released? They didn’t ask for SGR

Is it possible for decisions to be released on a Saturday or Sunday?

HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN USC NEW INSTA POST they said congrats to new trojans does this mean all acceptances are out :((((((((

I can attest I got a nice red folder yesterday in IL!


That’s honestly the most satisfying part of the application process. Congratulations! Was there just a letter, or were there more contents as usual inside the folder?

i think it’s just referring to the seniors! may 1st is also the day that seniors have to confirm their spot (senior decision day). i actually got a heart attack when i saw that post too LOL


Apparently we have to make a deposit of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS to reserve a spot at USC. Good thing there’s a fee waiver.

Admission letter, certificate, and conditions of admission^^

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just wondering, were you notified beforehand that you were accepted or did you just get it in the mail?

The portal update came a week before the folder. I just got an email last Friday night saying “an update has been posted”


the way i see it is that each day that passes without an update to your admission status email just shortens the chopping board for those who will be accepted. someone on here said that acceptances tend to come before rejections and i think it’s true. sigh

ughhh I hope it’s not true and we all get in :confused:

300 dollars is the least of your worries at USC lol


Honestly, true LOL. The hardest part is getting in.

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I think @PunctualPancake meant it’s an $80k school. :slight_smile:


Ah yes, but I hope to get more fin aid than the UC’s if admitted to USC. I believe I’d get free tuition under the <80k/year family household income, alongside other things.