2021-2022 USC Transfer

Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum, just checked my portal and USC requested a SGR!


My stepchild who got in as a transfer a few weeks ago is in mid 20s. There are older students!


@zettasyntax Glad to see you checking in! (Yes, I am still here, ha.)

Everyone, @zettasyntax is a classic poster, full of transfer knowledge, experience, and super helpful! He has lived the transfer life. :slight_smile:

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It’s amazing that you’re still here :slightly_smiling_face: I think I took a little break because I disliked some of the visual changes made to the website, but it looks a lot better than I remember it being. I guess I felt like procrastinating from my (hopefully) final quarter of my grad program too. And now is a busy time for my fellow transfers as they await their decisions.

hi and welcome to the CC. What school/major did you apply to?

I applied to Dornslife as a Political Science major.

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i relayed your status on the discord chat as well… i like to keep them up to date on any movements and vise versa.

The admissions Instagram just posted the transfer decision timeline again! Glad to know they haven’t forgot about us lol but the wait feels way too long :weary:


Thank you so much for your insight and dedication to helping applicants during this process.

I have seen other CC posts about AO’s not responding to emails or communication. From your experience are these folks later rejected? I have not received a response from update emails and my thought at this point is they really don’t have to respond to me if they have already made a decision on my app.

Also, I am in my mid-40’s and I have not seen many like me in the USC threads. Any history of “older folks” at USC? I don’t have an issue with looking like a mom on campus…just wondering if that changes their perspective on my app.

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Hello, I am 35yo so I have been curious about if they would look at my application a little differently (example: would ECs (lack thereof) be weighed the same as a transfer who is much younger (21-22yo)?) I would hope not considering that we may have a family/children that takes a lot of time and a job that we have to consider to provide but no one (but admissions) would really know the answer to that. I am glad there is someone else applying to transfer as an undergrad that is more in my age bracket. What school/major are you applying for?

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I transferred this past Fall and I had the most difficult time getting in contact with my specific admissions counselor. It wasn’t until I was able to visit USC and get a point of contact that I was able to get responses frequently for questions I had. I don’t think it implies that a decision has been made on your app.

I am about to turn 30 and I’m a junior. There are other transfer students in my class who are as old or older (there was a woman in one of my classes this semester who was in her mid 30s and had two daughters). Age doesn’t seem to matter to USC, I think your experiences and perspective can be beneficial to your essays. Good luck!


Hi @KendraVixLi
Yes, so nice to see older students returning to college!!
I am a history major and specifically, USC has a Bachelor of Arts in Law, History, and Culture that I am super excited about…what about you?? Are you local?

Thank you so much for your response. It helps to see a perspective from a current student.

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Thats awesome and you immediately became one of my favorite people… i think its courageous for older individuals to obtain higher education. It is truly never to late to feed the brain with knowledge. I am applying for Real Estate Development at Price. I am super nervous and excited. I am not considered “local” I live about an hour North of LA but I frequent the city so i guess I can act local lol… What about you?

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That is really kind of you to say!! I am about 30 miles from the campus which is likely an hour away or more in traffic and would live at home (son, husband, dog, etc. lol).

We can both act local haha! Also, I love love love real estate and have looked into getting my license this summer.

I have been accepted to other colleges but I really don’t want to uproot my family. I am HOPING like crazy for USC!!!

I have been practicing real estate for 5 years now (Was licensed in Florida and now here in Cali) if you ever want help with the license or want to know more about working as a REALTOR, let me know :slight_smile:


I just submitted my spring grades an hour ago and they’ve already been checked off as received. I have one low grade due to a personal circumstance, should I send an explanation or just leave it? I email my AO but he never responds so they might not even see it in time, anyways,

Maybe you can upload a document explaining your situation to your applicant portal.


Upload a document explaining your personal circumstances and how it affected your grade. Also email the AO and let them know you updated the portal with this new document (they may not respond but at least you’ve emailed and sent an explanation).

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Does anyone else find it difficult to get a hold of your admission counselor? :sob: