2021-2022 USC Transfer

just uploaded my updated transcript with spring grades on the USC portal. it went really well this semester, so hopefully they see it and consider it. i haven’t got a sgr yet and i just finished freshman year, so kinda nervous, but crossing fingers for the best


does usc do spring admission for transfers? or a waitlist? :sweat_smile:

I think they do spring admission and not waitlist

It’s a C+. I usually range around A’s with 2 B’s. Thank you all for your help, I totally agree with not blaming the professor. It was most definitely on my part with personal problems, she is a great professor!

@CADREAMIN Thanks for moving it here! I’m excited about having Berkeley’s EECS as a backup! USC is my dream school and Viterbi is just an amazing engineering school and I really hope to attend there! I’ve taken all of the courses that CCSF offers for the Associates degree in CS and I’ve been working as an electrician for the past 8 years. Does that count as an extracurricular? Also, I didn’t submit my ACT from 2013. Should I go back and submit it?

No waitlist. Yes, they do spring acceptance for some transfers.

Your experience is really more than an EC, it’s a really strong part of your application that helps tie everything together. You don’t need to send in your ACT, they will be using the more recent info.

Ok thanks, Phew! I was worried that it wouldn’t count as an EC.

this has to be mean something for friday :o i’m so nervous


Nice!!! Was that in the insta caption?

I am so impatient I just want to know my admission decision! I got waitlisted to UCLA and I have UCI as backup but USC is my dream school. Anyone pre med here?

hey did you apply dornsife biology?

No I applied as psychology (pre med route)!

Nice good luck!! GPA if you don’t mind?

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I have a 3.79 (I have 3 b’s: Anatomy, physiology, stats)
but besides that all I have all A’s. My essays feel like a strong aspect and extra-circulars. Thank you! Good luck to you as well!


Ur gpa is above the average acceptance you should be fine. And thank you!!

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@luckyduckcoin GPA isn’t everything though.

I agree! there are people who get in with 3.5 or 3.2 even gpa’s but most admits are a 3.7 range- I think that is what the statement meant

BRUHH same here UCI is my backup I got waitlisted for Bus Econ at UCLA

OMMGGG and are you accepting the waitlist? I know some people who aren’t