2021-2022 USC Transfer

Sorry for the confusion, I meant the May 17th from 2019, two years before. The big wave last year did happen on May 21, but before last year was onn May 17th - so there’s really no solid answer as to when the big wave may happen this year; just gotta hope its coming sometime today or in the next weeks.

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You beat me to the punch… I just remembered they are having graduation today and I will have to say the LA Coliseum is breathtaking!!! So, I am honestly not sure what to expect…

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From past trends does USC release a small wave of decisions until after graduation?

I haven’t heard anything, no email or anything, but I did notice today when I login to the applicant portal that my college transcript is suddenly “awaiting”! I sent it in September and it definitely said “received” before today.

Is this USC’s subtle way of telling me I’m on the SGR list?

if it was an SGR, you would have a red X for spring grades… I would keep my eye on it or send a short email to your AO about it just in case.

There is a red x!

Then it’s an SGR. You have to send in your official transcript to USC once your semester or quarter is finished. Or it can be unofficial, as long at it has all of your final grades listed


Thanks! But don’t they send you an email or something? I mean, there’s no indication that they want spring grades other than the red x on my college transcript.

They should send you an email. I submitted my SGR with my completed spring grades yesterday. 4.00 12 credits.

A few reported getting an email. But if you dont mind screenshot your checklist so we can see what it says (try to blackout any personal information) so we can better understand what you are looking at

Yes please! We’ve never seen one before

W/o being asked, Monday, I emailed & upload unofficial to AO & portal & ordered official. Only 1 of our 2 transfers just got a seemingly personal thank you email 10 mins ago. 3rd +2 appeals & final application for 1. So far 3 in state declinations for our freshmen.

I read this 5 times but I’m still lost


We had 3 kids apply this year & 2 the previous 2 years.

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The red x used to be a green check mark up until today. But I’ve gotten no email or notice of any kind that they want spring grades.

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Is it certain that results are coming out today? I was just asking because someone on the Discord said they are, lol.

Well decisions can come out today, perhaps next week, or even the week after that. Admissions is pretty unpredictable so will see what happens


We’ve noticed in this forum that people who receive SGR’s do not get an email right away, but they get it eventually stating that they are requesting more information from you. It just sucks that you have to go into your portal to see it, but that’s how it’s been for everyone who’s received an SGR


hmmm so this used to be checked off??? To those who received an SGR… did it actually say “Spring Grade Request” with the red X or did it look like this??? I haven’t not received one so I am hoping someone can help @SantaMonica25

My spring grades finalized! My gpa went from a 3.88 to a 3.87, I don’t think a B+ would hurt too much? The instructor was extremely passive aggressive anyway for a general education course, even made the quizzes 60% of your grade which were like a wild card lol

I didn’t receive a SGR, but want to upload it just in case. Since there’s a possibility of decisions or SGRs maybe being releasing today, should I hold off and wait and upload my grades tomorrow?

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