2021-2022 USC Transfer

plz put in a good word for me

I am not in admissions. Have to wait like everyone else, wahnnnn

so whats the verdict, everyone? are we banking on today or next week for the big wave?

meaning, I have to wait too :frowning: I keep checking!

I think next week might be the big wave!

awww boooo! please usc have mercy on us

everyone has been focused on the graduations, maybe next week is more likely?

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i would have said optimal today… buttttt i FORGOT about graduation.

Right! This wait is exhausting. I just hope to see a little movement

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I didn’t think much about it until the status of one of my documents switched to received on the 11th. Now I am over here refreshing pages.

thats how they got you… lol what are you applying for (major)

Social Sciences @ Dornsife

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YOU GOT THIS :partying_face:


NEVER RE-READ ESSAYS :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


too late :’(

2nd son just got a different seemingly personal email also thanking him for the unsolicited spring grades and to let her know if they had any questions. Hope that means they both get in finally.


its a possibility that they are still at the office working… and im glad some of the AOs are taking the time to respond

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I love me a sappy graduation success story…here’s a couple nice inspiring grad stories out of USC to pass some time as we wait, wait and wait.

Shout out to the older students:

Here’s a couple for you veteran applicants :slight_smile:

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Robert Kroener MBA ’71, got called back to active duty during Vietnam and couldn’t participate in his own graduation ceremony. Now he’ll get his chance.

April 29, 2021


YASSSSSS!!! Never too late to achieve higher learning!

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Can you send the link again? Thanks!