2021-2022 USC Transfer

Lol nothing

damn same :confused:

wishing everyone luck!!!

did we just get played :woozy_face:

nothing on my end

honestly i think it’s next week

Ughh, we just got our hopes up


Jeez i have to wait another freakin week!!!

okaaaayyyyyyyy wheres my email :frowning:

We’re getting played :frowning:

last year, my friends were notified at 5:26pm. so im waiting on that hahaha

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Why do we keep doing this to ourselves :sob::sob:

We saw results come out from 5-9 last year, just hold on a bit longer y’all


its not funny anymore @/USC lol

They are playing with us

welp I guess we’re all waiting till then :sob:

Nothing ! :sob: gahhhhh

Right? The joke is over :triumph::triumph: hand it here!!

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anyone here a fortune teller?