2021-2022 USC Transfer

another day with no decisions

I wish

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ok USC its a little late playing April fools jokes :raised_hand:t4: :disappointed:


the way i know im gonna pounce when i get an email notification

ohh okay so this is the next April 16th that ucla did to us… awesome!


I am fresh out of fortune cookies!

NOOO im getting flashbacks

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i feel like im losing my marbles constantly refeshing my admissions portal​:sob::sob:

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RIP, my CTRL and R button

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last year I found out I got rejected at 5:48pm on May 22… so who knows when we’ll hear back.


maybe it comes out later today. Ill check it again at 9, if theirs still nothing, then next week it is i guess.

rip that’s my finals week

I read tarot but that’s definitely not gonna cut it here lol

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Is this your second year as a transfer application? Sorry, I’m just a little confused and trying to get as much information as possible for when I should be expecting a decision

pls :sob: the way i’ve been obsessively watching youtube tarot readings

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Yeah this is my second year applying as a transfer. And no worries you’re all good :slight_smile: @Ummmidk

dangit. still nothing

damn I guess we’ll have to wait sum more

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