2021-2022 USC Transfer

I am withdrawing my application since USC has not been responding to any of my emails and has failed to prioritize us at all. I’m sorry everyone :weary:


i feel u

That’s not the Fight On spirit. Don’t withdraw if you can manage! Your blessing might be right around the corner!



im sorry everyone for being apart of the situation that got us put on timeout… if I was being rude and inconsiderate this apology goes to you directly as well. I don’t plan on posting for awhile until there is update… i feel there is enough information on the thread about the process to draw up some kind of conclusion and expectations. Have a wonderful night.


the funny thing is that likely won’t receive any financial aid; so I’m stressing out for decisions from a place I might not even be able to attend :man_facepalming:t4:


NEGL, I’m annoyed ash. They have no care for their transfers. Literally Friday (tomorrow) is the last day to receive admission decisions. I guess they are dumping everyone’s at once. Saturday or Sunday will make no sense. Monday is a holiday so that would be ridiculous. Anything after that day is passed June 1st which is tacky that a whole institution can’t keep their word. If I don’t hear nun by Monday I’m withdrawing my application, at that point they are being ridiculous.


Someone on this thread said that we would have to wait until mid July after SGR so it doesn’t make sense for me. Also since they have pushed everything back this year, I wouldn’t be surprised if our final decisions don’t come out until august :persevere:.

You have no need to apologize. You’ve been one of the most helpful and informative on this thread. However, I do agree that there is ample information here and people who have a question should realize that a quick scroll up will probably answer any question they have. The 15 minute wait is a bit frustrating but honestly it might be best because it encourages people to take a break from the screen which is a heathy decision at this point.


yeah it makes me question the character of the administration ngl


the annoying part is is that we know they’ve already made their decisions. I doubt theres you know admissions officers running around trying to process our stuff rn.

“Don’t rush the process, trust the process.”

Dr. Eric Thomas


what does it mean if I wasn’t requested an SGR even though I run on a quarter system and I haven’t submitted my spring quarter grade yet. Is my spring transcript still going to be considered?

You will either get a SGR or decision by May 31.

If anyone has finalized grades that they are happy about, I would submit them as that could - potentially - speed things up

I have no issue waiting one more day because that’s how badly I want to get into USC. It doesn’t feel great that they’re not releasing decisions when they’re already done, but it’s one more day right?


Same, I’ve waited 7 years to apply to USC. Tf do I look like complaining about a few days?

I have a warrior spirit.

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Can they release decisions on Monday when it’s a holiday?

Lurker here- If USC admissions plans on releasing a large chunk of decisions tomorrow is there a chance they will start before the usually anticipated 5:15 PM?

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i’m fairly certain we’ll hear back tomorrow evening – that’ll make it a week later than previous years, and consistent with how UCLA was a week late.

though i was hopeful that usc would release decisions only a few days later than anticipated, my gut told me we wouldn’t hear till tomorrow the 28th. it’s the most logical prediction anyways – the 31st is memorial day, and it’s unlikely usc would wait that long.