2021-2022 USC Transfer

A winter grade request. I’m at a UC, which is on the quarter system and not semester

Winter grade request

ohh i see. i’m currently a CC student and i didnt get any grade requests at all…


same here

taking a nap until 5:15 cuz I dont wanna be awake and anxious


Im a freshman on quarter system and never received one… im prob getting rej

Don’t despair just yet. You never know!

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Are there any mods in here and how do I become one I want to turn it to slow mode I can’t that fast

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Guys I wouldn’t engage with anyone you perceive to be a ■■■■■ they seem to come near decision days on all the main transfer pages like UCLA and Cal experienced the same things.



Lol Usclover2 has to be babana67’s 2nd account


Haha I am the opposite, lived in LA my whole life both of my parents went to UCLA, got in there but chose the Bay over Socal! UCLA is located in an amazing area I am sure your student will do great there!

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idk why T R 0 1 1 is a blocked out word lol.


I don’t like these assumptions I feel this is really rude I only came in here to share my decision to help anyone who is in the same school as me. obviously this is not a welcoming place. Real Trojans don’t bully other. fight on


Edited to remove inappropriate comment.

Stay calm everyone! We are all just nervous.

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Edit: My bad @CADREAMIN

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Hey Everyone,
Please do not take the bait and just stay focused on mission at hand - to support till decisions come out then keep supporting. Thanks.


If I am not mistaken this is a fake major, I also find it odd you got a decision before 5pm which not a single other person has reported in this years cycle lol. Fight on!!!

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