2021-2022 USC Transfer

Let it go - move on all. Slow mode blows.

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my sgr is back… what the heck

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I just don’t see why the mods have to punish us all with slow mode when it’s obviously just one person who is blatantly lying

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They are playing in there, just waiting till some can’t log in - always a good sign.

They won’t if we let it pass without fanfare.

This post has been edited to correct information:
There are comedy classes within the USC cirriculum in SCA but this particular major does not exist.

my sgr still is not back on lol. viterbi non ttp non legacy 3.87 sophomore transfer

Comic studies? :clown_face:

Edited to remove content not approved.

Nice GPA, good luck!

You are correct we are being dumb even responding, lets keep it civil guys not worth slowmode lol.


thanks. is it just glitching with sgrs disappearing? some people report it appearing back, some say it never disappeared, but for me it disappeared but never came back

My SGR was gone for a couple of days and now it is back. I still have a withdraw button. What does that mean?

I meant comedic studies.

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It means they are going in and out of your app. Nothing certain.

Is not getting an SGR good or bad? Do you know

Guys, please don’t get this thread locked.

Is there a group chat for accepted transfers


so then is it bad if i didnt get one lol

I’m an idiot. Read it wrong LOL. No, depends on how many credits you have.