2021-2022 USC Transfer

Yes, keep an eye on FAST, and they usually send email that there is update to that. But just check as well.

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yes through fast, they also send an email that FA is ready for u to review

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congratulations to all who got accepted!! :tada: :tada: Yā€™all are gonna do great things

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I got a Spring Grade update ? Is that normalā€¦

did anyone WITH an already submitted sgr hear back today?

ha we are in sync @KyawCR7

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Rejected 5/28 Econ
kinda surprised no cap

Econ Major, 3.94 GPA
ECs, VP in club, Officer in another, Honors society, pretty average
Essays, meh 8/10
IGETC done by end of semester, pretty sure my pre-reqs are done
not local, coming from San Diego CC
technically not California resident

Accepted to SDSU, UCSB, UCSD, and Berkeley
Waiting on NYU and UMiami
Rejected from Cal Poly SLO, UCLA, and USC

Homie I was rejected from cal lol

yes, they do send out SGRs today as well. You didnā€™t have one already I assume. This is the first we heard of an SGR, but common for them to come out with other results at the end of May.

I got accepted to Cal but rejected at USC. I canā€™t go to both at the same time, so I am blessed and grateful for the opportunities.

Accepted to Annenberg for Communication!

My FAST still says itā€™s in review??? How long will it take?

Also sorry to those who didnā€™t get in, I got rejected too lol whoops. Itā€™s ok tho, Iā€™m just very happy that I now know for sure Iā€™m going to Chapmanā€™s film school which was my 1st pick anyways. :blush: :blush: :blush:

And FIGHT ON!!! (to those who got in)


Congrats @letsgetawin but we will miss you in Trojanland. Did you say you are heading to Cal?

@_Virgil If you get off UCLA waitlist will you go?

3.78 at the time of application, C in Stats, B in bio first semester. 3 consecutive 4.0 semesters (upward trend), Dornsife Sociology. Accepted

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rejected :v:

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@MBG19 Chapman is amazing and lovely! I know a few Chapman film grads and they are the greatest people. Congrats on that!

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mine says June 1

I got into something human bio but I wanted bio