2021-2022 USC Transfer

got it thank you! Hopefully a spot will open up!

I will def hit you back this weekend, been on here so much today and even I am fried like everyone else even though I wasn’t waiting on a result. This process is exhausting. But glad to help however I can.

I am sorry to hear one is dealing with a rejection
 its heartbreaking and I truly feel it.


Got it, thank you so much!

anyone else still not get anything on their portal?


Thanks! So happy we had a Plan B!

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thank you. I am signing off for now.

same here lol

oops replying to fast all over the place, sorry @KendraVixLi

This might be a stupid question but where would it say on the acceptance that I got accepted for my first choice major (Marshall)

You’re Welcome!! So happy to have helped a bit with all the stress that app decisions bring. And hey same to you if you ever want to chat/ link just let me know! :blush:

Yeah unfortunately I got a no from USC but I’m Happily going to Chapman. So happy things worked out for both of us!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Second page.

Thank you

Anyone able to copy paste or snippet a pic in of acceptance letter? (without identifying info obviously).

When convenient for you to do so. Thanks in advance.

Can you scroll down below your acceptance letter? That’s where you should see it.

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I’m not sure what my aid will be, but my dad lost his job recently and I just uploaded my dads job loss letter (twice) once under “idk what it might be document” and then after realizing theres an appeal for Expected contribution I uploaded it there lol, probably will delay my aid, but just in case

@CADREAMIN is housing good for transfers? or should we try to arrange off campus?


do you guys think there will be another wave of decisions today?
