2021-2022 USC Transfer

There really isn’t. There’s a section in your admit package that basically says everybody is considered for the fall as space allows, so do not contact them. I tried a lot. I emailed a bunch of people in admissions. Various deans. My admission counselor had a serious change in demeanor and said “There will be no more talk of moving to fall semester”. It really caught me off guard because he had been so nice until that point. Maybe I was annoying. He did later end up being involved in the Olivia Jade thing :confused: My most daring (and dumb) thing was sending a letter directly to the USC president’s house.

TLDR; noting to be done.


no you just gotta hope they move you up which it sounds is unlikely unfortunatly

rip, i wanted to take a semester off to travel lol

oh wait i thought it was other way around lol idk then

Man I wish I got in for fall. I can’t rush until junior year now

Undergraduate students could be granted deferrals in specific cases relating to medical issues, religious obligations, required military/national service and, in the case of international students who will be attending online from abroad, inability to construct a reasonable online course schedule compatible with their home time zone. However, deferral requests for other reasons will generally not be granted.

They are even less a fan of deferrals for transfers.

I figured, I’ll just bite the bullet and transfer in this fall then.

my brother deferred his spring 2018 admission to the following fall (2018) so i don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to defer to the spring

Hi guys 1 quick question, when will the admitted students get their acceptance package? End of next month? Thanks!

It is still a funny story that you emailed Nikias.

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With regard to my spring admission, I did better my last spring semester and submitted my grades last week and was never sure if my spring grades were considered in the decision, is this worth following up on or were they likely seen.

There’s really no set date (if they bump any). It could be at any time - even late July into August. So basically you’d have no idea and have to change plans with super short notice.


you can still rush in the spring its different for transfers

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isn’t it weird how it looks like there’s only one wave tonight? lol

Did anyone with an SGR receive a decision?

they get decisions next month

No way! That’s awesome!! Thank you for this. How do you know if you don’t mind me asking?

I’m pretty positive you have to have been at USC for at least one semester before rushing

I saw that 1 person did up further in the thread

I would talk to your AO about the possibility if important to you. They use to be way more flexible with deferalls, but with covid they clamped down and they seemed to start a way more restrictive policy that may continue. To be sure, ask them. But I know they generally disklike transfer deferrals as it is a very specific spot that is allocated.