2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Just heard from Coastal Carolina and D passed the pre-screen. :slight_smile:


My daughter heard from Chapman couple of weeks back. A friend of my daughter heard 4-5 days back. Both were EA/yes.

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@melanie.f.becker - my daughter is auditioning at NYC Unifieds so didnā€™t need to send in a prescreen. Montclair is a little confusing in that you only need to send in a prescreen if you are auditioning on campus. Iā€™d email them if you have questions!

@Allie_Velasco1 congrats on coastal! Would love for my daughter to go to college near a beach :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: alas she has other ideas

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nothing here

So as of today, still waiting on:

CCM 9/18
Boco 10/4 PSWL
AZ 10/11
Hartt 10/16
MSM 10/20
OKlahoma 10/29
Guthrie 10/29
Ithaca 10/29
Otterbein 10/29
UArts 11/18
Nazareth 11/18
Ill. Wesleyan 11/18

I wouldnā€™t complain one bit if one of these decided to skip straight to full artistic admission based solely on the PS, lolz.


I submitted my prescreens at 7 pm tonight (oops! hahaha) and hereā€™s what Iā€™ve heard so far:

Ithaca (yes)

Iā€™m still waiting on CMU, CCM, Indiana, Elon, Michigan, and Temple but Iā€™m sure it will be a little more time considering Ithaca let me know scarily fast :sweat_smile:


You heard from Ithaca tonight and you just submitted your prescreen tonight? That was crazy fast!

If true, this whole process is even more of a farce than we ever could have imagined.

How does that make the process a farce? Are the programs stating they will render a decision based on order received? I donā€™t think so. If you were at an audition table in the audition room, and someone blows you away and they are the 50th person youā€™ve seen that day out of 60 and you are positive you want to see them again, you know it. You may be still winnowing down the ā€œmaybesā€ you saw earlier in the day.


The turnaround seems super fast for them to even have a chance to listen to it. Not to take anything away from the original person who posted it- you earned it!

It does seem unusually fast for a turnaround but maybe they opened it once received and felt certain they wanted to see the candidate at live auditions and that was that. I donā€™t see how that makes it a farce, just saying.


The lack of transparency and consistency within both the individual programs and across the industry as a whole is more of what I am referring to. Itā€™s just not proper to drag some candidates along for weeks or months at a time with no information whatsoever. If itā€™s a no just say no, and when you have 2000+ applicants at most programs before even getting to live auditions a maybe should just be a no IMO. No offense intended to the applicant who got an instant pass, I;m sure they are extremely talented. This should probably be in the venting thread, lol.


The prescreening process does seem fairly random. My son received a no from Ithaca and a pass from Syracuse, Pace and Penn State. Difficult to predict outcomesā€¦Waiting to hear from BU, Umich and Fordham.


Yeah, everything about this process is random for sure. I canā€™t make sense out of it. All I can say is for whatever reason, some schools like who they like. Letā€™s face it, all of these kids are talented. But, something about certain kids sticks out to certain schools. I think thereā€™s no way to know exactly what each school is looking for. Our kids just have to do their best and the rest is out of their (and our) hands.



Congratulations! Thatā€™s a great way to start your college audition process!! :clap::clap::clap:


Long Post Alert: Just some insider infromation from my perspective. I iused to work as a recruitment coordinator for a top 20 BFA MT program. Your pre screen videos are being viewed for the most part by faculty who are teaching, directing, advising, running final projects etcā€¦ You will probablly get an avalanch of decisions over the winter break. Some larger programs may have someone other than faculty pre screen submissions and send immeidiate no or immediate yes suggestions. That is why some may come in more quickly and not in the order received. If your student is not an immediate no or yes they are in the holding pile. Schools want to see more submissions before making a decision. These professors are also considering the studnets they already have in the program. A good program will not want all the same type of actor but a diverse group. (ie 10 tall blonde dancers) Patience is the key. Going through this process from the other side now I am also anxious. However, I know that we have chosen schools she CAN get into, some that are more competitive and a couple reach schools. They will go to college, they will get training. This is going to be their life. Another example. I work at a university that also produces a summer Theatre Festival. We have received over 850 video submissions for casting consideration for 15 roles. We can do this friends!!! -End of inspirational post.


So helpful! Thank you! Do you think the process is similar for BFA Acting as cimpared to MT?

Congratulations! That is a great result- and without the agony of waiting. We are still waiting on so many schools and I think it may be awhile longer. Good luck!


@robert26 I would think less so for BFA Acting but it really depends on the program and how competitive they are. Gender, may also play a role here. Male presenting students are in demand at programs still. Youā€™ve got this.


There are also some schools like USC and Guthrie who make it clear that they are not looking for responding before a certain time.

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