2026 BFA Prescreen Results

D got called back to Hartt. Got the email today, yay! :slight_smile:


Congrats again!

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Congrats on the pass to your D, what date did she submit?

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Heard on a FB page yesterday a parent post this DD got a invitation to attend Guthrie- based simply on the prescreen. Does anyone think this is their approach this year or simply unique?

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We just heard back from Hartt yesterday evening. Submitted 11/15. Best of luck to all!


just got my no from Temple a few minutes ago :confused: so far Iā€™ve got one yes and one no, waiting for my other results!



Thank you! She submitted 11/5

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Sorry about that! But, at least you got a yes from another program. Keeping moving forward- onward and upward!

@enqueue Thank you! :slight_smile:

My D has received a few BFA MT offers based on her preacreens, but I donā€™t think that is the norm.

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Just curious, how drastic of a cut do schools make based on the prescreen? Any idea of what percentage of kids get asked back for an in-person audition?

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Once you go to the auditions they are usually very open about their numbers and statistics. Some schools make deep cuts and others accept half for in person auditions. It depends on so much. ETA: they will also be very honest about their yield numbers. For instance UMich makes 25 offers only bc all 25 accept usually Other schools accept a high amojunt sometimes 3x what they want to yield. So the odds may look better than you think.


Thank you. I wonder specifically about Guthrie- if that is what they are doing this year.

@elizabethdrama22 That I do not know. My D didnā€™t apply there.

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hi again! havenā€™t really said anything since my last (and first haha) post, but i wanted to update you all and say that i head from ithaca. my pre-screen passed!
i was VERY shocked at both how quickly they notified me, and also because iā€™m not a dancer in the slightest haha. nevertheless, extremely happy. :slight_smile:

so far iā€™ve got 2 passes. one from BoCo and one from ithaca!
iā€™m a little nervous because iā€™m getting excited, even though i know my first rejection is coming soon lol. hopefully it wonā€™t sting too bad.
to anyone who may read this: have hope and stay positive. this is a super stressful endeavor, but weā€™re all in this together. goodnight!



I know itā€™s been said, but this is completely normal (and consistent with our experience two yrs ago). So important to not get ā€œmarriedā€ to any one program. I recall in consecutive weeks, D was told no from several top programs / yes from ā€œtier 2ā€ only to have a complete reversal the following week. Not pointing fingers at any particular school but just to make it tangible, week 1 getting a NO from CMU and a YES from FL Southern followed by a NO from UCF and a YES from CCM. Random to say the least. At least it appears to be. Likely not as they know what theyā€™re looking for. We/you donā€™t. My guess is if you donā€™t fit into their model, you have almost no shot (unless you are ridiculously talented and even then who knows?)

At the end of the day, if you applied to approx. 20 schools and walk away with 3 admittances, youā€™ve done very well. All you need is a few choices.

And not to throw a blanket on anything for anyone, this is just the start. Wait 'til they audition for performances within their program or Summer Stock. It doesnā€™t get any easier. This is the life theyā€™ve chosen.


Agree, my S was rejected on prescreen from Hartt but goes to UNCSA, RANDOM!!!


Perfect scenario. Hartt is a fine program but UNCSA is among the top few elite theater programs in the country.

BTW - congrats. Hope S loves it and benefits from all it offers. We were blown away when we visited. D wanted NYC but would have happily gone to Winston Salem for UNCSA!


We had the same debate, only gave up NYC for UNCSA. and he LOVES it, it is the perfect fit except for the terrible food. The amount of money he has spent this semester in off campus dining makes me very thankful he is not in NYC!