2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from SMU? We went to the first round of auditions, but some past commenters said it only took about a week.

We sent our prescreen in on September 15th.

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Yes- she heard from Chapman today.

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Do any of the Chapman acceptances specify “screen acting” or do they all say theatre?

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My daughter just informed me that the prescreen results talks about the program in the portal. Her preferred program “Theater - screen acting” is mentioned in the portal.

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In the portal my daughter’s page says Application Major Theater -Screen Acting. Her email from Chapman just said “Theater Program”


Same here


same here as well


Ours said Theater performance

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9/29 sent in. Found out today.

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@dramamama2424 - that is a long wait. I guess they wait and do a big dump at one time. I wonder how many other schools do this?


Just heard back from CMU and it was a no. :frowning: They said in their message that they had 3,000 applications and only 80 spots.


Anyone hear back from Otterbein? If so, how did you find out and how was it worded? My D had something show up on her getacceptd schedule that was confusing. :thinking:

@Allie_Velasco1 I am sorry- my daughter is waiting to hear from CMU as well and I have a feeling it is going to be a no. I told her not to fall in love with any program when we started this process but I am afraid that plea fell on her deaf ears. I hope the rest of this (horrible) process goes well for your child.


Thank you. It’s so hard! My D’s dream school is BOCO, but CMU was #2. Haven’t heard back from BOCO yet. She has lots of schools she auditioned for and prescreens she passed so far, so fingers crossed she’ll land where she is meant to be!

Best of your luck to your girl, too! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you- crossing fingers for BOCO, my daughter is not applying there. How many schools did your daughter apply to? My D’s Summer program said for her demographic 15-20 was a good number. I find that crazy.

@Allie_Velasco1, that’s interesting that CMU provided that detail in the message. My DS is still waiting on 3 including BoCo. Hope to hear from them soon, the struggle is real!

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My daughter applied to only 6 schools for early action (remainder will be for regular admission). She has heard from the following (all submitted mid-Oct)
Ithaca (yes)
Emerson (yes)
Pace (yes)
Temple (no)

Not heard yet:
NYU -virtual audition scheduled
Penn State


My D applied to 35 schools, most of them had pre-screens, some didn’t. She has 17 auditions and callbacks scheduled. We are waiting to hear from the rest of the prescreens. This is sooooo tough. As moms, we hate to see our kids hurt, so them choosing MT as a career is sometimes harder on us then it is them! Hugs to all of you and best of luck to your kiddos!


When did you hear from Ithaca? We applied over 2 weeks ago and have heard nothing. :confused:

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