2350 SAT... 3.2 GPA... any chance at all?

<p>I go to a public school in CA.</p>

<p>GPA 10th and 11th grade: 3.2-3.3 UW/3.7-8 W, 3.5-6 UC weighted</p>

<p>SAT: 2350
SAT IIs in physics, math, US history all 790 or 800</p>

<p>ECs - sports for years, officer of a club for years, officer/committee member of a community service/cultural club for years</p>

<p>GPA is terrible... hard course load, but upward trend.. some APs taken (5s on all AP tests so far). If you factor in 1st semester 12th grade, the GPA would be higher, like 3.4-5 UW, 4.0 W):</p>

<p>AP Calculus BC (taken junior year)
AP US History
AP Physics
AP Gov/Econ
AP Biology
Like 4 other honors courses</p>

<p>Then because I ran out of math courses to take, I took Calc D, Calc 2A, and all at a local community college (taking during the school year)</p>

<p>I also took some other community college courses over the summer... took a math course and got a C, took Psychology and a Lit course and got As. I don't know how much that would factor into the GPA.</p>

<p>Horrible grades 1st semester 10th grade, 1st semester 11th grade.. okay grades 2nd semester 10th grade (but on the low side), great grades 11th grade 2nd semester, 12th grade 1st semester. Pretty good grades both semesters freshman year. </p>

<p>Some schools I applied to:</p>

UC Irvine
Boston University

<p>So I really screwed up my 10th/11th grade... overestimated my ability to take hard classes. I don't know how much the SAT score will really help at all...</p>

<p>thanks for chancing.</p>

<p>My S had a 3.45, 2250 SAT, and was shut out at USC, Cal and UCLA. Got into honors at UCSB and UCSD. I don’t think you’ll get anywhere with the UCB or UCLA. USC might be tempted to get the outsized SAT. UPenn seems unlikely. Are you applying anywhere else? It looks like you’ve got a lot riding on USC.</p>

<p>What other schools would you say would be good to apply to (just wondering on your take)? What about UChicago?</p>

<p>I know Tufts puts great emphasis on the essays/personality… I like Boston which is why I applied to the 2 MA schools.</p>

<p>probably not UPenn, but still good chances for all the others, berkeley and tufts and USC are slight reaches, but still apply</p>

<p>chance me back at
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/635725-chance-me-i-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/635725-chance-me-i-will-chance-back.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;