25 Year Old Needs Help With Calculus 1

<p>Hi, I'm an older student returning to school to pursue a BS in Computer Science. Math has historically been a stumbling block for me, and also working against me is the fact is that I have a full-time job. However, I'm determined to succeed in Calculus 1 this upcoming semester. </p>

<p>I start out eager, but get discouraged because I can't get through the problem sets in the textbook. Any advice?</p>

<p>Take advantage of any tutoring that your math department offers. There are also study groups for courses such as calc 1. Also be sure to go to your professor’s and/or TA’s office hours for help. It also would not hurt to invest in some supplementary material such as a schaum’s outline for calculus. I know I find it helpful sometimes to look at supplementary material that does not come from the class in order to gain a better understanding. It is easy to get discouraged when you start to struggle, so it is important that you get help from your peers and instructors when you get stuck.</p>

<p>What exactly are you having a problem with? Is is the actual calculus, or the algebra in it, or do you see a problem and wonder “what do I do with this?”. The latter happens and it’s ok, you just have to change how you address problems, which comes with practice. I was 29 when I went back to engineering school and started with calc2 after 5+ years of being away from math. I used pauls online notes to work through a lot of problems and it helped me a lot. I hear schaum’s is great as well, an applied math buddy of mine really likes it. But, knowing the area you actually have a problem with would help point you in the right direction.</p>

<p>Use your resources (TA, Professor, book, internet).</p>

<p>[Pauls</a> Online Notes : Calculus I](<a href=“http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/CalcI/CalcI.aspx]Pauls”>http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/CalcI/CalcI.aspx) is a good resource, from personal experience.</p>

<p>I am 25 old veteran who just got done with calc 3 my advice is do the online lecture videos and notes! Pause them try to solve the problems yourself first! I had a extra notebook which I would fill with my own review notes and practice problems! Then I would attack the hw which ended up being easier at times! Good Luck and never stop or give up!</p>

<p>Start by looking at the syllabus of likely Calculus profs from previous years. If there is a choice to take the class with someone who does **not **do the time honored 30/30/30/10 (three tests 30% each homework 10%) but offers more points for homework, that may be preferable. Community colleges do more of that. My daughter - who inherited my lack of math skills from me - did the same and while the online homework was nearly impossible volume wise it counted a cool 30% towards the grade. </p>

<p>Also check with the university for free tutoring, study groups, etc. They had both at her school.</p>


i think my biggest problem is my weakness in algebra. i don’t understand logarithms very well at all, and it’s hard to know which algebra technique to apply or use on a given problem.</p>

<p>i almost forgot to mention that the class is online</p>

<p>Yeah, without a strong base it can be difficult, but, since you know where you are lacking, you can correct that. If you don’t know log’s, study the manipulation techniques of logs. They are actually really easy if you learn how to manipulate them into a common base. Go check out pauls online notes (google it). It has full courses from algebra to calculus and works through many examples. If you dont understand a concept in the work, define the process/manipulation that is being done, then research it and learn it. Good luck</p>

<p>thanks Chucktown! somebody posted the link for pauls notes earlier in the thread so i will refer to that</p>