25th or 23rd?

I was under the impression that we get our SAT score back on 23rd.
When I went to collegeboard to send scores, however, I saw that they wrote 25th as the date.</p>

<p>Which is true?
23rd or 25thhhh?</p>

<p>I'm hoping its 23rd so it doesnt ruin my christmass... lol</p>

<p>I was wondering the same.</p>

<p>this brings up the question: why is collegeboard stupid?</p>

<p>this brings up the other question: why does collegeboard claim the sat is a test of aptitude when it isn’t?</p>

<p>extra points for confusing kids with all the dates. =)</p>

<p>Its not confusing at all. The scores come out on the 25th- results always come 19 days after test day.</p>

<p>It’s usually 19 days after the test, but there have been exceptions in the past.
[SAT</a> Scores - View SAT Scores - Send Score Reports](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>SAT Scores – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>I think this is probably one of those exceptions because nobody is going to be working Christmas Day.</p>

<p>^agree, so its 23rd then</p>

<p>I was annoyed so i emailed collegeboard, and here’s what they send me:
Thank you for contacting The College Board.</p>

<p>We received your email regarding the December SAT scores. We will be happy to assist you.</p>

<p>Our information shows that the December scores will begin posting on our web site on December 23, 2008.</p>

<p>To view the expected release dates for the scores, please visit :: College Planning Made Easy | Inside Source for College Admissions Requirements, or use the link below.
SAT Scores - View SAT Scores - Send Score Reports</p>

<p>For further information or assistance, please feel free to call us at (866) 756-7346(Domestic), (212) 713-7789(International), Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Eastern Time) or visit us at :: College Planning Made Easy | Inside Source for College Admissions Requirements.</p>

<p>Thank You,</p>

<p>Dale Graves
Agent 188980
The College Board Service Center</p>

<p>Posted by someone else!</p>

<p>wohoo! lol i dont think ill b so wohoo when it actually comes though :(</p>


<p>it obviously is a tad confusing if there are posts about it, sorry that you are superior and think you have determined the correct answer, even though you are potentially wrong.</p>

<p>This is given in MySAT<br>

<p>Your December 2008 scores will be available on December 25, 2008</p>

<p>Same here! Go check on Tuesday anyway!</p>

<p>The collegeboard is so passive aggressive. I can’t even say.</p>

<p>yes!! creating conflict amont SAT takers too :frowning: lol</p>

<p>oyy so confusing.
the plus side of having them on christmas is that if they’re bad, i’ll have presents to console me. and if they’re good, it’s an extra present</p>