28th - Princeton or NYC?

<p>I made a poll on the other forum
( cmu.beyond-sanity.org )
Go there and voteee.
And uhm, I guess I'm taking charge of this whole meetup.
If you have any questions or want to help,
my sn is outdated731.. I'm on A LOT.</p>

<p>We should have it in Princeton...thats where I orginally planned on having it...a lot of people agreed on this already</p>

<p>wait, okay, no one's responding on either thread.
please IM me if you're interested in going.. outdated731.
if like, five people (we got three: me, morgan17, and princess23) are willing to, I'll get started on planning it?</p>


<p>And I think Princeton's good. No one's polling for anything else, so... yea, lol.</p>

<p>We have 5.
IM me if you're interested in going.</p>

<p>I'm interested in going if its gonna be in NYC</p>

<p>sorry samcold0, I think we ended up going with Princeton.
alright, so my final thing was I'm sending a message to everyone who's my friend on the CMU facebook network and in NJ (except Tooya, lol).</p>

<p>last call to IM me, outdated731. details will be sent to you on facebook or i'll tell you them through AIM if you don't have a facebook.</p>