3.4 gpa and 1760 sat?

<p>for an early decision applicant...is 3.4 gpa and 1760 sat..too low?
This is due to a c in precalc and a D in calc bc ( I took bc in junior year)....also I have 7AP's including this year...and I took ap chem last yr and got a B..</p>

<p>also..does it matter how many ed applicants there are in your school? because I think we have about 4 people (including me) who applied for ed.... last year only two out of four got in from our school through ed and I'm just worried about my status...
please give me some feedbacks! Thank you!</p>

<p>I'm a female from NoVA</p>

<p>Yeah, that's too low, especially coming from NoVa. I'd start looking at other schools. I won't say you have 0 chance but it's low.</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply
but, I heard that it also depends on your major....I've applied as a biochemistry major, do a lot of people apply for that major? I heard that many people apply for biology...but, I wasn't sure about biochemistry...I really want to get in!!!!!!! but, what are some other schools that have good biochemistry majors that I could possibly look into?
Thanks again :]</p>

<p>If the 3.4 is UW, you have a pretty decent shot. Get the SATs up a bit and you'll be a prime candidate.</p>

<p>I assumed that 3.4 was weighted. If it's UW then yes, with a higher SAT score you have a good shot.</p>