3 schools in 3 years

<p>I'm going to be a senior this year and Mizzou is my number one choice. The summer after freshman year my family and I moved cross country. Sophomore year I didn't do too well academically and the school wasn't a good fit for me. I then transferred again to a different school. My GPA isn't as great as it could be, as well as my class rank, and I believe all the transferring has caused at least some of it. Here's my stats. </p>

<p>29 ACT
2.88 uw
3.17 w
bottom 50% of class
Station manager at school's radio station (#1 ranked high school radio station in country).
Part time job.
Freshman/JV lacrosse</p>

<p>I was wondering if you guys think I could get into Mizzou, and if colleges in general will take my transferring into account. Thanks.</p>