3 Tips for Choosing the Right IB Courses

"Students in the International Baccalaureate diploma program should first weigh their interests … IB students are required to take at least three subjects at the higher level, known as HL, while the remaining classes may be taken at the standard level, or SL. Higher level courses typically have at least 240 hours of instruction, while standard level classes have at least 150.

Wondering how to choose the right IB courses for you? Here are three tips to consider." …


One more tip: do not take IB Math Studies SL unless you are certain that you will not need to take any more math in college (for either your major or general education requirements). If you may need to take additional math in college, choose IB Math SL or HL.

Hey guys. I am presently a sophomore in an Ib school and I would like to ask you Ib students who will be taking the IB May session, if you could go back 1 year ago , what would you change or not and why ? What summer camps , online courses , research, help or resources would you have visited

Agreed… sometimes personal anecdotes help tooo

THeres a also a balance to be kept between prep towards a maj., personal interest, and structure to succeed.