4-1 odds on Provost Etchmendy for Harvard President slot

<p><a href="http://daily.stanford.edu/article/2006/8/31/etchemendy41GambleForHarvardPresident%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://daily.stanford.edu/article/2006/8/31/etchemendy41GambleForHarvardPresident&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>So what? </p>

<p>He's in line for the Stanford presidency, and frankly, the political-academic climate over here in Palo Alto is a lot warmer, both literally and figuratively. </p>

<p>It's unlikely that Harvard will take someone with no previous affiliation to the school anyway.</p>

<p>You will note that he didn't say he wasn't interested.</p>

<p>There's been a trend going on over at Harvard.</p>

<p>They've had non-graduates of Harvard become presidents.</p>

<p>Anything's possible.</p>

<p>Indeed, the last three presidents (Bok, Rudenstine, Summers) only had Harvard <em>graduate</em> degrees.</p>