4 months

<p>4 months 4 months 4 months! </p>

<p>Does anyone else feel like this year has flown by? I'm so ready for college and to be somewhat on my own, but now when I think about it.. 4 months until graduation. That's so soon! I honestly never thought the day would come when I wanted high school to slow down. Does anyone else feel this way? Everything is becoming more real. I've been accepted, put in my deposit, found my roommates, sent in my housing request.. and orientation is in JUNE! June.. 4 months. Holymoly.</p>

<p>I know. :frowning:
I hate my school, but I’ll still be sad when graduation gets here.
What school are you going to?</p>

<p>I’m going to Baylor next year! Where are you going? Luckily Baylor is decently close to home, so I’ll still see my parents</p>

<p>I can’t say I share the thought of wanting high school to slow down, but it definitely is crazy that graduation and college are so soon! I repeated a year when I went to boarding school, so I’ve been in high school for four and a half years now. . .it’s insane to think that I only have half a year left. I really didn’t think I would ever make it to graduation. Honestly, I can’t wait to get out of here.</p>

<p>As much as everyone in our school hates school, we’re all going to miss each other a lot.</p>

<p>I just moved to a new school, so I don’t really have any “long term” friends that I am going to miss, so I’m very excited/scared haha</p>

Seriously, no matter what anyone tells me, I won’t miss anyone. Won’t even miss the school. That’s how trashy it is.
I am so freaking GLAD that it’s my last year, GOSH, I just want to have a huge party right now. LOL.</p>

<p>Class of 2011!! Too bad no school wants me yet x.X.</p>

<p>About 848 days for me… D: (Sophomore)</p>

<p>I’m super jealous of you all.</p>

<p>Where all have you applied, iceui2?</p>

<p>Late reply, but I’m going to Temple University!</p>

<p>I see/hear about Temple University all the time. Where is it? Honestly, I know nothing about it. CONGRATS!</p>

<p>Ready to go. And I’m going to hit the next person that tells me “Oh noesssss, don’t wish it away, high school is the best yearz of your lifeee!!!1one”…</p>

<p>high school was quite possibly the worst 4 years of my life… yeah, there were some fun times. but mostly it was drama, stupidity, and the police. JOY!</p>

<p>It’s in Philadelphia. It’s a giant public school. (27,000+ undergrads) It has a ton of different majors and courses and diversity and it’s pretty much just everything I wanted in a school. Plus, I’m in-state so tuition’s cheap. :p</p>

<p>^ That’s so cool!!!</p>

<p>Temple University has a campus in Japan. I’m thinking about applying to that campus when I can apply. Congrats!</p>

<p>Thanks! Yeah, the Japan campus is cool. You should definitely apply.
They also have a campus in Rome. It would be awesome to go there for a summer. And maybe somewhere in France for a semester.
Temple also has a ton of language courses (I love foreign language) and a lot of clubs and I’m just so excited. :smiley: I can’t wait until August omg.</p>

<p>This is funny since it makes me feel like I dont’ have very long before the end of HS and I’m not even a senior.
Congrats to all the seniors, I hope y’all have a great time for the rest of HS and afterwards.
Funny how I recently transferred to a school and a huge percent of the students are not even going to be around after the next few months (five months for my school; we finish in mid-late June).</p>