<p>Okay, so I'll be a senior next year! Exciting, but possibly stressful? Just need some opinions here on my classes! </p>
<p>So this year, (junior haha), I'm taking these classes:</p>
<li>Human Body Systems (PLTW) (Planning to go into medical field!)</li>
<li>Advanced Spanish 3</li>
<li>AP Biology</li>
<li>AP Euro Hist.</li>
<li>AP Lang. $ comp.</li>
<p>Next year, I'm planning to take:</p>
<li>AP Calculus BC</li>
<li>AP Chemistry</li>
<li>AP Stats</li>
<li>AP Gov.</li>
<li>AP Lit</li>
<li>Pottery/Dance/Calligraphy, something of the sort :-)</li>
<p>So basically I'm going from 3 AP's to 5 AP's. I'm a math whiz, so I don't think Calc should be bad, Gov shouldn't be too stressful either, and Lit should be super easy. Maybe chem and stats might be hard, I'm not sure! </p>
<p>I'm a pretty good student- GPA 3.98, planning on going into med field, Indian, skipped a grade so a year younger than the rest, and studious ;)</p>
<p>I was planning on AP physics, but I took it out and replaced with AP Chem, because physics is supposed to be super hard, and it doesn't correlate to my intended field as much as chem does. </p>
<p>What do you think? Thanks! :-)</p>
<p>AP statistics is often considered an “easier” AP math for weaker-in-math students who do not want to take AP calculus. It is often equivalent to the lowest level semester-long introductory statistics course in college. Of course, a few students may find it harder than calculus.</p>
<p>Have you taken any physics in high school at all? You will have to take physics in college as part of pre-med course requirements, and the college physics courses may specify high school physics as a prerequisite.</p>
<p>I heard many people saying Statistics is easy; and, since you’re a math whiz, Calculus shouldn’t be a problem neither. So take it easy, I’m sure you can nail them…</p>
<p>I think you can do it if you can keep your motivation up. As a current senior, its hard but then again only first semester really matters haha. AP stats isnt hard. Im currently taking both multivariable calculus and AP Stats and stats is a breeze. Lits pretty easy too so I think youll be okay</p>
<p>K thanks guys! I’m going to go with it!
We’ll see what happens. Senior year anyways, right?
As for physics… Well, we’ll see where that goes. I probably just won’t end up taking it, but it should be okay.</p>
<p>Sent from my SGH-T959V using CC</p>
<p>BC and Chem will definitely keep you busy, but the good news is Stats and AP Gov’t are not terribly difficult exams. AP Lit depends on your own strengths. I took 6 AP’s this year (Music Theory, APES, Lit, Calc AB, Gov’t, and Micro) and it is doable, for sure! Be prepared for the stress at the end though: senioritis will be your archenemy.</p>
<p>You should be fine! Next year, I’m taking:</p>
<p>AP Lit
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Calculus BC
AP U.S. Government
AP Latin</p>
<p>This year I took 5 APs, including Physics C: Mechanics. While it is a difficult course, I recommend giving it a try! Like others mentioned above, you’ll need it anyways for pre-med. Then again, you’ll need chemistry too, so it’s really up to you, you can’t go wrong either way! Maybe find out which teacher is better at your school and then take their class.</p>
<p>The AP class grades in senior year is more forgiven as it may not even show up on your school application. It is a good time to try getting more advance placements or credits. You don’t even need to take the AP exam at the end if you know you don’t need advance placement for that subject or if it does not count for credits in your committed school.</p>
<p>Stats is super easy, and if you’re good at math, BC will be easy too. From what I’ve heard, Gov. is easy and Lit shouldn’t be that hard. So Chemistry is the one AP you’ll need to focus the most on.</p>
<p>I think AP Chemistry is not bad comparing with AP Calculus BC.</p>