5 yr renewable $30,000 schol, should I try pre-med??

<p>HI everyone!</p>

<p>I'm actually doing pre-nursing right now and finished all of my pre-requisites for it (Anatomy, Physiology, Gen. Chem 1, Microbiology, Psychology, Anthropology, Life Span/Child Development, Nutrition, Statistics... e.g.) I already have two Associate Degrees (graduated this Spring) from my 2 years at community college... But... I was just given a 5 year renewable scholarship for up to $30,000 each year...</p>

<p>Should I try Pre-Med? What is required? I am very confused about how to go about doing pre-med or becoming a physician since I'm a 1st-generation college student and none of my family members work in health care. Should I try it? I had a 4.0, but now it is 3.75+ (don't have my entire transcripts yet, but the 2.0 unit class is an A, so I don't know how much it will bring it up)... I got my first B's this semester in Gen. Chem. 1, Microbiology, and Small Group Communication... Would that ruin my chances? Should I do this or just continue with nursing... I figured though since it's for 5 years, maybe I should reach higher??
I really want to help people quickly, though, the disadvantaged and medically underserved as quickly as possible, that is my PASSION, but since I was given it, maybe there is a reason for it??? I could probably do a lot more to help low income people if I'm a physician, right? More than if I was a RN/NP??? Any thought or help on this?? What do you think??</p>

<p>Thanks for any help! Any at all!</p>

<p>(( Sorry , I didn't know where to put this to get replies... also, if I tried to I would have NO IDEA what college to go to or anything)) Thanks again! </p>

<p>In the nursing forum I'm probably going to get nursing replies, but if I do, can you give me any advice about going about it??? I already finished my pre-reqs, and I remember now that NP programs want 2 yrs work before entry, but If I do that I don't think I can keep the scholarship... ANY HELP AT ALL?? PLEASE HELP!!</p>

<p>Ask your college if they have anyone who specializes in pre-med advising. Hopefully, that person can provide you a realistic view of the pros and cons, and what would lie ahead.</p>

<p>Can you use the scholarship for graduate courses, or a second bachelors? You might also look into combining programs - such as nursing and health care administration. Some colleges also offer an accelerated joint bachelors/masters in various fields. In that case, the second to last year typically still counts as an undergrad for financial aid purposes.</p>