57% Of Student Loan Borrowers Never Graduate

"About one out of every eight Americans has student loan debt. But not all of those people have a college diploma.

This often-overlooked segment of student loan borrowers is larger than you may realize, and these borrowers struggle with pervasive debt later in life. Let’s take a close look at the rates and outcomes of those who take out student loans but never earn their college degrees.

Student Loan Borrowers Who Don’t Graduate College

About 40 percent of undergraduates drop out of college. Hence, the student loan statistics of a college freshman class can paint a different picture than the debt statistics of graduating seniors.

Using the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Education, we’re able to get a clear picture of the student debt problem of college students who don’t graduate. Among students who take out student loans to attend college or university, less than half complete their studies and graduate." …


I could say so very many things about this. There are numerous issues that contribute to this, but all lead to the same thing: A large number of people who thought education would give them a better life, but it did the opposite. I think free community college would be a good start to bring about a change going forward.

Does this include those who got certificates but not college diplomas? Lots of students around here going to two year trade schools…not colleges. Some need loans to do so.

And another group of people who graduated with degrees and have student loan debt have next to no marketable skills making repaying student loans (and getting on with life) a real challenge.