A-(family) DAY registration will go live at 10am (CST), Monday, March 7th

<p>[A-Day</a> Family Lunch Registration](<a href=“http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=caf5eaaa74b60f7dcc699f09c&id=8d72764aab&e=8234c3a70f]A-Day”>http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=caf5eaaa74b60f7dcc699f09c&id=8d72764aab&e=8234c3a70f)</p>

<p>A-(family) DAY registration will go live at 10am (CST), Monday, March 7th.</p>

<p>The Office of Parent Programs will host a lunch before our National Championship football team scrimmages at Bryant-Denny stadium. Dr. Mark Nelson, Vice President for Student Affairs and Vice Provost, will greet families before a BBQ lunch with all the trimmings followed by some BAMA Bingo and door prizes including textbook scholarships sponsored by the Parents Association among other Alabama must-haves!</p>

<p>Events will take place in the Ferguson Center Ballroom and will begin at 9:30am. All parents, students and family members are invited to attend. Pre-registration is required for this event by Thursday, April 14th.</p>

<p>Online registration will begin on March 7th and tickets will be limited.</p>

<p>Cost: $15.00/person (no refunds)</p>

<p>*Door Prizes will be drawn at 10:00am, each registered family member will receive one ticket for the drawing which must be completed prior to 10:00am. You must be present to win.
To register, visit our Web site at parents.ua.edu and click the link at the top of the page. It will take you to the registration site where you can enter your information. You will need your student’s CWID to register. Payment options are: Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Web check.</p>