<p>alright these are pretty random questions that some of you may find dumb but I really need the answers</p>
<li><p>Where it says put in a code for ethnicity, Do i leave it blank? I am a white male so what do I put.</p></li>
<li><p>If I plan on participation in sports senior year and plan on earning letters, shold I put them down or just put down the sports Ive done through junior year on the Candidate Activities Record.</p></li>
<p>Thanks in advance for the much needed replies</p>
<li><p>code of ethnicity for White male is C</p></li>
<li><p>For the activities it says to put down the number you have participated in. So I would do just that.</p></li>
<p>no on the reverse side of the front page has the codes for ethnicity. Race generally is considered physical charactoristics, and ethnicity is the group you identify yourself with culturally. I like the 2 different boxes because I consider myself white but am a 1/4 mexican and identify with that ethnicity. My dad is 1/2 and whiter than me haha. The problem comes on the police record check when they group race and ethnicity into one category, so I just put other muahahahahahaha</p>
<p>I was rereading it and it said if u dont identify with one just put X. Arg I need to improve my reading skills (although it is in very small print). Thanks for the help though...you pointed me in the right direction</p>
<p>Suggestion for activities: put down what you have already completed. As a sports season concludes during your senior year, send an update detailing the sport, if you earned a letter, if you were a captain, etc. Same thing with other activities (ie, lead role in the play, or part in the chorus, or whatever.) Same with grades-- send a grade update each quarter.
<p>it doesnt say you have to, it says it suggests you write in block lettering without touching the sides of the little boxes. If you already started with lower case, keep it the same on that part of the application. switch if you want to once you move onto a new section.</p>