A few questions from an admitted student!

Hello all! I’d love to hear your thoughts on any of the questions below!

I’ve had some trouble deciding between Arizona and Texas A&M and am looking for some insight regarding the following areas:

  1. I'm looking to study biomedical engineering as an undergraduate. Both schools are similarly ranked by many sources, but can anyone offer a candid comparison between the engineering departments at these schools? Is Arizona better?
  2. I would be a member of the National Merit Scholars program at either of these schools. Are any current/former students or parents familiar with how well these universities would support me? Is Arizona better?
  3. I might have the chance to walk onto the varsity tennis team. Should that be a factor in my college decision? If so, does being a student-athlete make your undergraduate life significantly better or worse AS AN ENGINEERING STUDENT?

Thank you in advance to any and all responses! This is a huge decision for me and every response helps me out tremendously!

All the best!